NoNe wrote:I can share a lot of things. My man is an exeption. I think the only idea that he is in another room with another woman would've killed me.

Your becoming extremely emotionally concerning with a statement like that NoNe. Why could the thoughts of your man being in another room with a woman disturb you? Is he in your opinion likely to attack her?
Your out to possess and that is not the way it should be at all. Each and everyone of us is an individual, we give ourselves in marriage to a set of promises we 'mean to do well by at the time.' It's like getting a new car, you polish it, vac it out etc for the first 12 months or so, but it declines. The state of mind changes, and naturally so, so it is with marriage, either party is entitled to want a change. Either party is likely to lust after another, it is perfectly normal, of that I have no doubt. To be 'trapped' either by fear, religion or duty is totally immoral.
I notice this attitude of he/she {especially the he} belongs to me and thats that! is very apparent here and it amuses me.