Paul Streitz
Border Breakdown
By Paul Streitz
May 2, 2005, 13:36
"Thank goodness for the Minutemen," said seventy-eight year, grandmother Mary Rogers. "Since the Minutemen have been here, it has been absolutely peaceful every night. Before they came there was always traffic on my road. Border Patrol cars, druggers and wetbacks going up and down the road all night long."
"I found the knapsack hung up on the fence," said Walter Kolbe. "I didn't think much of it. I thought it had been left by an illegal that was scared away by the dog. I threw it in the garbage. My wife later asked if I had looked to see what was in it and I told her I had not. She looked in it and came back with a small notebook. It had writing in three languages, English, Spanish and Arabic. We called a reporter who came over, took pictures, and later wrote a story. We also called the FBI, who didn't seem to be very interested in it. Later, they got very interested in it and the notebook is now in Washington somewhere. It was an exhibit in a Congressional hearing."
Dr. Carol Hand was part of the Minutemen project. She and Ed Kolb, a Cochise County resident, took a walk away from Route 90 along Hereford Road leading east. There they found a rape tree, with panties hung up in the tree. "After the coyotes get the women across the border, safely on U.S. soil, they gang rape them to show they have total control over them. They hang their panties in the trees as signs of the conquest. I couldn't leave them there. As a woman, I had to take them down." (A picture of such a tree is at If the women are young and pretty, they are kept in houses of prostitution where they have to have their families buy them out or work their way out. Of course, none will testify to this because the coyotes know where they are from and can seek revenge on their families in Mexico.
The resident Americans along the border are used to it, but to someone coming from Connecticut, the whole scene is that much overused word, "surreal." Border Patrol cars are scurrying everywhere. Some sit along back roads, others along the main highway. There are Border Patrol checkpoints on Route 80 and 90, the main routes north to Interstate 90. (This is the USA. What are we doing with internal checkpoints for border security?) There are portable towers placed in the middle of the fields. They give the Border Patrol clear views over the flat ranch lands and it is most likely that they contain infra-red night scopes to find and collect the illegals heading north.
The locals along the border and inland are accustomed to their dogs barking at night. A few barks for a coyote (animal version) or a javalena (boar pig), but they sometimes bark all night as the illegals walk past.
The border fence in the cities is about twelve feet high and a road runs along side it. In the countryside, the fence gives way to the barbed wire fence erected by ranchers to keep the cows on the right side of the border. There are holes underneath the fence, or the wire has been bent back to allow people to come through. In the area from Douglas to Naco, there is a Mexican railroad track on the southern side of the border. Illegals walk from the cities along the railroad, wait until darkness and then make a scramble for the border. Sometimes, the Border Patrol catches them, sometimes not. Nevertheless, with so many coming at them, some are bound to get across and head north.
You would think that the government of Arizona would be outraged at this treatment of its citizens. But, it is not. Senator McCain, Senator Kyl, Representative Kolbe and Governor Napolitano have all recommended amnesties of one sort or another. However, the Border Patrol agents all tell you that every time an amnesty is proposed, more illegals head for the border.
After a few days, you realize this is not just a few illegals coming across the border as individuals. Rather, it is a massive, illegal criminal smuggling operation supported and encouraged by the government of Mexico. Millions have been encouraged to come to the United States. The government of Mexico publishes a guide, Guid del Migrante Mexican," telling Mexicans how to cross the border and deal with the Border Patrol. By any standards, this is a massive operation of smuggling, transporting and housing thousands of illegals that come across the border every night. They finally end up in cities and towns throughout the United States.
The illegals that come across are charged a thousand dollars or more if they are Mexicans. They charge up to fifteen thousand if they are from a foreign country. The illegals have sold themselves into indentured servitude and the smuggling operation must have tentacles into every town in America to make sure it is paid.
You cannot help but feel sorry for a small group of Mexican peasants huddled at the border after being apprehended by the Border Patrol. They have been driven from their homes by the corrupt, narco government that runs Mexico. They deserve better than to be forced from their farms to travel thousands of miles, to be subject to the brutality of the criminals who run this operation and end up standing on street corners throughout the USA begging for work. The problem starts in Mexico and is shoveled abroad as fast as Presidente Fox can ship them into our country. It is not that Mexico is so poor a country. It has resources and great oil reserves. But this wealth is reserved for the European descendants of the Spanish, while the Mayan Indians are sent north as wage slaves. In short, the Mexican government is engaging in a slave trade of sending its poor to the USA where they are exploited to the fullest by their own countrymen, work for the lowest living wage possible and send much of their money back to Mexico to support their families. This is as abominable as the slave-trade of the 1700's. Americans stopped exploiting slave-labor with the Civil War, but it has started up again but under a different name: illegal immigration.
Diana is a raven-haired beauty, originally a Jersey girl. She seems an unlikely person to meet at the Mexican border sitting in a Border Patrol jeep and chasing down illegals and drug smugglers. She says she likes Arizona, but the food in New Jersey is a lot better. She discusses her job with an air of patience and concludes, "As long as there are jobs for them, they are going to keep coming."
Paul Streitz is the author of a biography of Shakespeare: Oxford Son of Queen Elizabeth I and several musicals. He was a candidate for the Republican nomination in Connecticut for U.S. Senate in 2004. He is a co-director of CT Citizens for Immigration Control and can be reached at mailto:
[email protected].
Mr. Streitz's grandfather was Cpl. Jack J. Streitz who served with the Fifth Calvary at Fort Huachuca, AZ in 1906. Mr. Streitz spent a week on the Mexican border with the Minutemen, a century later.