United Nations to ban religion?

Reply Sun 30 Oct, 2011 08:56 pm
Good idea :0)
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Reply Sun 30 Oct, 2011 09:55 pm
Thank god someone has the faith to ban religion.
Reply Sun 30 Oct, 2011 10:45 pm
Chumly wrote:

Thank god someone has the faith to ban religion.
How ya been, Chumly?

You any relation to the Pawn Star Chumly?
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Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 08:58 am
There may be an equally strong argument to ban "nationalism". Now that would be fun !
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2011 10:31 pm
fresco wrote:

There may be an equally strong argument to ban "nationalism". Now that would be fun !

Nationalism is a form of religion. Imho
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Reply Fri 25 Nov, 2011 11:15 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
You are forgetting one main and absolute fact. There is a bible prophecy that predicts this very thing, The UN is depicted as the Wild beast and all the religions in the world as "Babylon the Great. (Read Revelation and the prophecies of Jehovah or Yahweh' So it may seems as though, logically, it might not happen but this is Gods plan and sure enough and soon, we will be talking about this as it happens. The Wild beast will attack the Babylon whore (Hypocritical and war monger religious leaders. ) And the bible says the beast will tear her inner parts. Merchants will grieve, they made much money from false religion for years. But the people who are worshiping the true God are going to be the ones left over, Read your bible to find more. Jehovah witnesses have a book called 'Revelation', It's heavy reading but it really just helps take you to the bible so you can see Gods word for yourself . Can the U.N ban religion? They will defiantly be the fore- leaders. And it will happen. Find out where you are supposed to be in the stream of time, for you and your families. Because just as in Noah's day the buying and selling marrying and give in marriage (ordinary things of life that we preoccupy ourselves with eating, drinking, clothing, housing, jobs, recreation...) But will take no note until the rains came. But Noah and his family just 7 people, survived the flood . Everyone else perished. When Jehovah's day comes and it will, I want to be with other people who truly love God and want to worship him the way he dictated, Not the way we want. He created us he deserves the honor and glory. He created a perfect earth for us to live in. But just like in Noah' day only a few people were precious in Jehovah s mind, And he saved them. We need to find the people that Jehovah is leading. People who recognizes Jehovah standards are much higher than ours. People who are truly following in his Son Jesus footsteps. Doing our best. Is this you Mr Walter Hinteler.? Next time a Witness comes to your door why not invite them , Ask real questions so that you can get real answers from the bible, And when you see the answer in the bible, Ask another question and ask them to stop back to discuss the answer with , No worries no one will browbeat you into a study, It's always your choice, Jehovah will not want you kicking and screaming coming to him He can't use a man like that. No his men will come to him willing, like the dew. So will just be enjoying a bible discussion. Don't forget the'Revelation book'.
Reply Sat 26 Nov, 2011 02:22 am
You are forgetting one main and absolute fact....

Laughing ....at that point this congregation makes a run for the exits !
Reply Sat 26 Nov, 2011 03:56 am
This has been a silly thread from the beginning, but the entertainment value is immense.
Reply Fri 2 Dec, 2011 05:49 pm
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Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2012 04:31 am
I don't think any law can make people think a particular way. But I do believe that NOT exposing the proliferation of willful ignorance, like that found in religion, is just plain wrong.

To brainwash children and the masses into believing that emotion and NOT reason is a REAL viable option just because it can temporarily make you feel better is a fatal flaw in humanity. Whether that brainwashing is Islam, with the total submission of humanity to one way of thinking and acceptable social practice, christian, with much the same view and the destruction of the world as the desired and foretold outcome, or jewish with the "hello I'm right and chosen, you MUST be wrong..." mentality none of these offer a voice of reason and coherence for the future of mankind. It takes both reason AND emotion to make a person whole, but if ones philosophy and impitus is that they already have all the answers and that all answers and reality MUST fit their preconceived notion... We as a race of beings are already doomed to our own self fulfilling prophecy.
Reason and the acceptance of others is our only hope for a future! Right is right because it is right and wrong is wrong because it is wrong... It has nothing to do with any supernatural being or miraculous birth, rebirth, prophet or hopeful holy home.

Wake up!! Choose free will, kindness, reason and compassion and all will be well. WHAT KIND OF WORLD DO YOU WANT?

" We can walk our road together, if our goals are all the same, we can walk alone and free, if we pursue a different aim ... Let the truth of love be lighted, let the love of truth shine clear, with the heart and mind united in a single perfect sphere.". RUSH - Neil Peart
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Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2012 07:09 am
I have read some of the post about the subject "United Nations to ban religion?" and the responses are what I would expect. Believing the UN will turn on world religion is not an absolute requirement as we all have free will. What is an absolute, however, is that at some time in our life we will cease to exist. At death we either have a hope or we don't. Just as we humans exist as self aware creatures with the ability to love, practice justice, having wisdom and power, God's existence can be seen in the creation itself. Romans 1:20. The many facets of creation [ macrocosm and microcosm ] should give us a clue that maybe life did not get here by chance and that everything man knows existed long before he showed up. And if we can get past this idea perhaps we can understand what God is in a relative sense. Our Creator is noted as "dynamic energy full of power" this should bring to mind the laws of physics "conservation of energy" [ energy cannot be created or destroyed ]. In our observation of the universe it would appear a great deal of energy would have been needed. By the laws of physics it would appear that energy was around long before the universe was formed. Creation helps us determine the existence of God [ without his inspired writings ] in turn the creation gives us reason to put faith in his inspired written word [ the bible ] and in turn when we read it and find out what it really teaches we are freed from biased teachings and philosophies of men. With that said and based on previous post all prophecies have been fulfilled except the end. How do we know that? Matthew 24: 14 says that when the preaching work encompasses the entire globe the end will come. Jehovah's Witnesses now preach on a scale that covers every country in the world. Very few people have not heard their message today. The end includes first the destruction of false religion [ Babylon the Great the World Empire of false religion "compare ancient Babylon with today's religion" ] by the scarlet colored wild beast [ United Nations "beast is a metaphor for political entities" ]. When world government turns on Babylon the Great this will mark the beginning of the end, not of people or this planet, but the end of all false religion and its treacherous followers. Revelation chapter 12 and 13. This will not be accomplished through nuclear annihilation or mans destruction of his ecosystem but rather by divine Providence. To get a perspective, review the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah but on a world wide scale. Gods words says, when that time occurs all mankind alive will know who is doing it.
Reply Wed 14 Mar, 2012 07:17 am
Let me take you back to better days:

"They're rioting in Africa, they're starving in Spain.
There's hurricanes in Florida, and Texas needs rain.
The whole world is festering with unhappy souls.
The French hate the Germans, the Germans hate the Poles.
Italians hate Yugoslavs, South Africans hate the Dutch.
And I don't like anybody very much!

But we can be tranquil, and thankful, and proud,
For mans' been endowed with a mushroom-shaped cloud.
And we know for certain that some lovely day
Someone will set the spark off, and we will all be blown away.

They're rioting in Africa, there's strife in Iran.
What nature doesn't do to us, will be done by our fellow man."
Kingston Trio - The Merry Minuet
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Reply Wed 14 Mar, 2012 07:19 am
Setanta wrote:

This has been a silly thread from the beginning, but the entertainment value is immense.

But you keep reading it, nevertheless.
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Reply Wed 14 Mar, 2012 07:58 am
This is the kind of nonsense the far right keep coming up with UN banning religion indeed.

Maybe we could get all the tea partiers declare brain dead and use their organs, except for their so call brains, for some more useful purposes.
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Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2012 06:03 pm
Yes, the UN will ban religion. They will believe they think of it themselves, but actually "God put it into their hearts to carry out their one thought. . . until the word or God has been accomplished." - Rev. 17:17. God is actually the one who is responsible for the destruction of this world's religions. Why is God doing this? Rev. 17:5 calls the world's religion "the mother of harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth". In the Bible, the word harlot has a figurative use. It is used figuratively to apply to a professed worshiper of God or to an organization or a nation that claims to worship him but that actually gives affection and worship to other gods. Jerusalem became a “harlot” in this sense. In fact, she went so far that she did what was not normal for harlots, namely, instead of receiving pay, she paid pagan nations to practice harlotry with her.—Eze 16:33, 34; see Eze 23, where Samaria (representing Israel) and Jerusalem (Judah) are likened to prostitutes.
The world's religion's today are doing something similiar to Jerusalem. The world's religions are involved in the politics of this world. They teach what is politicially correct, eg. homosexuality is a alternate lifestyle. God's moral standards are viewed as absolete. The world's religions look to political governments and the UN for help instead of God's Kingdom. They do not teach the people Gods laws. Many worship idols and they all have included pagan practices into their worship: eg. immorality of the soul, trinity. A lot of them reject parts of the Bible and say it isn't applicable. As a result we have a world where people disregard the Creator of the Universe. People put evolution in front of creation, they worship the created and not the creator. From God's viewpoint, religion has become filled "of the disgusting things of the earth". Almighty God has judged them, and He will destroy the world's religion and magnify his great name. All the nations will know He exists. The nations shall know who he is. Ezekiel 38:23 "And I shall certainly magnify myself and sanctify myself and make myself known before the eyes of many nations; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah."
Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2012 07:20 pm
Every time someone refers to the bible as if it has some actual relevance in reality, I chuckle to myself...
Reply Tue 5 Jun, 2012 01:10 am
Those still interested in UN lobbying on this matter might like to refer to the text of their invited Krishnamurti anti-religionist lecture.(1984)

Reply Tue 5 Jun, 2012 03:52 am
An on the other side of this brain dead silliness concerning the evil UN we have this.........

Lots of brain dead people postings on the interrnet it would seems.


The UN passed a resolution calling for criminalization of criticism of Islam. As Obama plans to stock his administration with Muslims, it will be telling how he handles the implementation of OIC strategy to impose Islamic supremacism on the world. What will Obama do and say about this resolution, which seeks to protect Islam and criminalize criticism of it (as determined by the OIC)? Dr. History points out that nothing is said about Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Ba’hai, Zorastrianism, Buddhism etc.

And considering how anti-semitic the Quran is, as are Islamic teachings, does this legitimize Jew hatred and make it a crime to speak out against it?

Islam is the only religion specifically named as deserving protection. India's Ambassador Gopinathan Achamkulangare said the resolution "inappropriately" linked religious criticism to racism.

UN passes resolution calling for criminalization of criticism of Islam Jihad watch

And that includes, of course, any honest examination of how jihadists use Islamic texts and teachings to make recruits. So not only does this herald the death of free speech, but it also leaves us mute and defenseless before the advancing global jihad.

"UN body OKs call to curb religious criticism," by Frank Jordans for AP, March 26 (thanks to Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi):

GENEVA (AP) — The U.N.'s top human-rights body approved a proposal backed by Muslims [sic] nations Thursday urging the passage of laws around the world protecting religion from criticism.

The proposal by Pakistan had drawn strong criticism from free-speech campaigners and liberal democracies.

A simple majority of 23 members of the 47-nation Human Rights Council voted in favor of the resolution. Eleven mostly Western nations opposed it and 13 countries abstained.


The resolution urges states to provide "protection against acts of hatred, discrimination, intimidation and coercion resulting from defamation of religions and incitement to religious hatred in general."

It sounds good until you realize that "incitement to religious hatred" includes such acts as quoting the Qur'an passages that jihadists use to recruit and motivate terrorists.

"It is individuals who have rights and not religions," said Canadian diplomat Terry Cormier. Canada's criticism was echoed by European Union countries, all of which voted against the proposal.

That's good, and unexpected.

The council is dominated by Muslim and African countries. Muslim nations have argued that religions, in particular Islam, must be shielded from criticism in the media and other areas of public life. They cited cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad as an example of unacceptable free speech.

"Islam is frequently and wrongly associated with human rights violations and terrorism," the resolution said.

By Muslims. By Islamic jihadists. But it is not they who are targeted by this initiative.

A coalition of more than 100 secular and faith groups had called on governments to oppose the resolution, warning that it could lead to accusations of defamation among different faiths.

The United States did not vote on the resolution because it is not a member of the council. The Bush administration announced it was virtually giving up on the body and would participate in debates only if absolutely necessary because of the council's anti-Israel statements and its failure to act on abuses in Sudan and elsewhere.

That will doubtess be reversed soon.

India, which normally votes along with the council's majority of developing nations, abstained in protest at the fact that Islam was the only religion specifically named as deserving protection.

India's Ambassador Gopinathan Achamkulangare said the resolution "inappropriately" linked religious criticism to racism.

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Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2012 11:33 am
Cyracuz wrote:

Every time someone refers to the bible as if it has some actual relevance in reality, I chuckle to myself...

Or any religious text for that matter.
Reply Wed 13 Jun, 2012 12:11 pm
Thank God all false religion will come to an end soon.
Can`t the governmemt see that religion is the cause of all kinds of evil?
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