neologist wrote:The clergy have obfuscated the truth for centuries in an effort to maintain their control over humankind, most of whom have been either too disenfranchised, too unsophisticated (or too damn scared) to object. That fact does not negate the truth of the word they have been attempting to suppress.
I would submit that there are many clergy who have a genuine love for God and serve not for control or their own gain but out of love. Anyone who is in the clergy to control others is in it for the wrong reasons.
As a Christian I am so sorry that Christianity has been so misrepresented throughout the ages. As a member of the clergy I am doubly sorry for the damage that has been done to people by those who would see being a spiritual leader is to control and bend others to their will.
The core of true Christianity is a personal relationship between a person and God through faith in Jesus Christ. The true clergy man or woman is a servant of those in their care. The role of the clergy is to assist others to become all that they can be as Christians and children of God.
My role as clergy is not to tell you what to believe but to present Christianity as it really is meant to be and allow you to make up your own mind. I don't have to push it. God can do his own pushing.