Mon 2 May, 2005 08:09 pm
I've already voted for Frist. While I've always considered Bush to hold the title of "King Scumbag", I believe Frist is ready to challenge for the crown.
Why such the strong opinion? Have they offended you in some way.
Yes. They were born. They live.
DeLay is a prick, but somehow he's an unsurprising prick. Frist is a panty-waist creepazoid who is pretending to be Jimmy Stewart.
I don't see any substance.
Gus - who is the Repugnican Party planning to replace Dubya with? If it is Dick Cheney - then it is the end of Western Civilization. I'm planning to teach my children to make fire from sticks and shape rocks into points, just in case.
I'm not sure, Mr. Stillwater, but it scares me to think about it.
And speaking of scary, watch
Mr Stillwater wrote:Gus - who is the Repugnican Party planning to replace Dubya with? If it is Dick Cheney - then it is the end of Western Civilization. I'm planning to teach my children to make fire from sticks and shape rocks into points, just in case.
There would be no need, the VP would make sure we had more then enough oil. Now if we had some tree hugging Eco-extremeist that was elected then those skills you mentioned would come in handy.
I'm hoping Condi makes a run in 08'.
I hope Condi runs too, Baldimo. That would ensure a victory for the opposition.
This poll shouldn't be close. Look what we put up here today:
PDiddid, Richard Morrison sent me that in an email today.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:I hope Condi runs too, Baldimo. That would ensure a victory for the opposition.
Let me guess....You thought Dean was going to win in 2004, didnt you?
That is funny, Trupolitik, and certainly worthy of three laughing emoticons.
I just love your sense of humor.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:That is funny, Trupolitik, and certainly worthy of three laughing emoticons.
I just love your sense of humor.
It was quite funny. Dean win.
Someone please do the the Dean scream.
Stilly -- there's not much chance of Dick Cheney going for the high elective office. With his history of heart trouble, he'd have a very difficult time getting elected. He'll very likely remain a major power behind the throne, as he is today. More's the pity. Condi Rice would have a good shot, actually, I believe. Then, of course, the Democrats would have to run Hilly Clinton against her and then...and then... oh, hell, Armageddon can't be far off, can it.
Dick Cheney is still alive?
gustavratzenhofer wrote:Dick Cheney is still alive?
All depends on your definition of 'life', Gus.
I'll be checking that link on a daily basis.
Thanks, PDiddie.