Sun 1 May, 2005 10:18 am
Hi to all our friends of the travel forum. Francis just treated me to a half hour on the net, so I thought it was a good time to say hello from London. We just broke up our gathering at the Penderel's Oak about fifteen minutes ago, and met up with kitchenpete, Walter, McTag and Fiona, Clare, Steve and Rose, Thomas, Francis, dys and Diane. We had some drinks and some of us ate a light lunch. It's really nice meeting with fellow a2kers in the flesh. Eleven of us went to the Four Season's Hotel last night for dinner and had a special dinner. It was delicious! The cabernet was pretty good too!¬ We met at Penderel's Oak today at 12:30, and spent a few hours chatting, and getting to know more of our fellow a2kers. You'll have to wait for my pictures to post, because I'll still be away from home until May 14. I keep saying this is my last trip to London, but you all know what that really means! LOL I'm planning to see a show tomorrow. Other than that, everything is non-planned. Talk to you later. c.i.
BTW, I'll share the 'secrets' of a2kers after I get home.
Secrets and pics! Oh cool :-D
cicerone imposter wrote:BTW, I'll share the 'secrets' of a2kers after I get home.

I'm an open book.
But that Francis... very secretive!
So good to flesh out the avatars. No HUGE surprises, thank heavens. everyone is just as agreeable and interesting as they appear on line - more so even. My sons mutter darkly about dirty old men who go onto forums pretending to be little girls, but I'd rather have lunch with d.o.m. than l.g. so there! Nice to have added spouses too who believe there's a life outside A2K.
It's been a great weekend, and tomorrow I drive down to Dover for the first leg of the German experience. Looking forward to the mud-bath experience in Walter's local spa. Diane and I will post pictures - perhaps. Not for the faint-hearted.
So, tell us Clary. What does the other 2/3 of Francis look like?
Francis looks like this :
Ooh, nice hair!
That really wasn't fair, Francis.
Oh..damn it!....sorry Francis...I just can't stop my imagination.....I can't stop making it!!!
I think you hit the nail on the head!
Hahaha...that is freakin' hilarious, JB!
Francis looked like that in person too! The guy never changes. ö=
I'm now back in London at the same internet cafe where Francis and I posted about two weeks ago. It really feels strange about the concept of time when one travels for more than two weeks. It seems like my trip to Malta was many months ago, and our visit to Amsterdam more than a few months ago. After I log off this morning, I thought it would be a good idea to include Covent Gardens and the Tate in today's itinerary before I head back to my hotel room to rest before my flight out tomorrow for home. This was really a great journey with many different experiences; starting in Malta for 13 nites, then coming to London for four nites before going to Amsterdam, Lippstadt (Walter is an excellent host and guide) and Berlin for my second visit to get to know this amazing city. Will post more after I get home.
Hmmm. Francis has very nice hair and hands. That's quite a suspicious smile, though.
ci - can hardly wait to hear more. Hope you took lots of pics to share with us.
squinney wrote:
ci - can hardly wait to hear more. Hope you took lots of pics to share with us.
<There are a couple - more than that! - on the 'London gathering', on Francis' and on my thread (all in "Europe") :wink: >