As far as I know, the "Impeach Bush 43 Movement" is as yet unaccompanied by an actual Federal Legislative Partner. There are numerous organizations and websites promoting the idea, more or less unconnected, but then, there have been movements to impeach lots of Presidents. Generally, it has amounted to little more than partisan grumblings fommented by The Opposition Party of the time. Only 4 have been impeached: Tyler, in 1843, acquitted, Johnson, in 1868, acquitted, Nixon, in 1974, resigned, and Clinton, in 1998, acquitted in 1999. No president has been removed from office by the Impeachment Process, though it is likely Nixon would have been convicted and removed had he not resigned.
Here's a list of a bunch of "Impeach Bush 43" websites, none of which are anything more than "grass roots drives", pretty much of the extremist fringe variety, sharing little prospect of fruition, but go ahead, entertain yourself. While things could always change, nothing current would indicate substance or promise to the endeavor.