If a man "smelled me" (and I have to say it has never happened) I wouldn't freak out about it. If it bothered me, I would say something. If it was awkward but not unbearably so, I might not say anything. But, as an adult I take responsibility for speaking up for myself.
I had a very affectionate male coworker put his hands on my shoulders. I think he saw that I was uncomfortable and I didn't need to say anything. I have male friends who are very physically affectionate when I see them (this is a cultural thing). I have no problem with this.
Yes, it is a little odd. Sometimes human beings are odd, in fact I tend to like people who are a little unique.
I am an adult, I can take what happens without freaking out and if something bothers me I can speak up. Awkward social interactions are a part of normal adult life.
The difference is intent... if someone is trying to grab my crotch to embarrass me or to manipulate in some sexual way I am going to be upset. If someone puts their hands on my shoulder, or "smells" my hair in an odd way that is an attempt to show affection, I might make it clear that I am uncomfortable, but I am not going to feel harassed.
Women are being taught to be on edge and to look for the slightest offense. Men are being taught to overlook offense and to take responsibility for communicating their needs.
I think women are being taught wrong.