Mon 25 Apr, 2005 12:45 pm
Yo yo yo peeps, dis here be the main mang behind the man, Slap to the Doo Hoo.
So I've hooked myself up with a sweet two-wheeler, and I want to go on some cool mini-excursions. I've got a roomate with a bike, but his idea of going on a ride is clutching 5mph down Newbury St., balancing your focus between hotties on the sidewalk, and idiot Euro-trash cutting you off in their cars. Even though I'm definitely not opposed to eye-candy, going through the city on a busy Sunday isn't a fun "ride" and isn't too safe.
So on days when I go out riding solo, I can't think of places to go, and have a feeling I'm going to get sick of going the Dover/Medfield route(even though it's nice backroads).
So does anyone from the area now of a decent, but not too long of a route I could head up to the NH area and back in an afternoon? Anywhere off of Rt 3, 93, ect.?
I don't know your area well but if you go down near plymouth there are some nice places to look at... but not many hotties. But I suck with directions.... I only know how to get to Rumney NH
I know how to get to Plymouth...down off of Rt 3. There are nice areas down there, actually...Scituate, Marshfield, ect.
I'll probably head down there too.
yo slap dog
1A is a nice ride up north from Salem all the way to Newburyport.
Or if you go 128 to Beverly and take 62 out towards Prides Crossing then theres another one you can follow up to Magnolia/Gloucester. Humph--no route number on mapquest think its 127 or something.
133 from/to 495/95 used to be pretty quiet, dont know what its like now.
3A to Plymouth is good especially if you go 3 to 228 to 3A.
I'll give it some thought. I grew up west of boston and went to school in south western NH, so south eastern NH isn't really my hood.
If you head northwest through Sudbury, Maynard, Harvard, etc.. you can work your way up towards Townsend and pick up Rt. 13 into NH. (You could take 128 to Rt 2 west to get to Townsend too if you wanted a little faster trip!).
Rt 13 in NH runs parallel to Rt. 3. You could stay on Rt. 13 up to just outside of Concord NH and jump on Rt. 3 and then 128 for your return trip.
If you wanted to make a little larger loop you can take Rt.2 farther west to Gardner, pick up Rt. 140 to Winchendon and then pick up Rt. 202 and go up through Jaffery, NH and finish the loop up in Concord, NH again.
Rte 2 past Fitchburg eventually gets pretty. Prolly not worth the crappiness you have to go through to get there.
Salppy, do you want fast roads or slow roads?
I didn't think of 1A, Quinn, and I've heard it's a decent route. And I've been up to Harvard(not on my bike), that's a nice area too.
Littlek, I don't mind taking the highway to get to places, for example it would take me almost an hour to hit 1A, so that's fine. Just like to hit some good backroads somewhere. Not a lot in my immediate area I know of, other than through Dover...which is cool, million dollar homes and horses everywhere.
Hmmm..... there must be something down there!
Are you looking more for curves or quiet?
Well, Dover, Medfield, Wellesley...I've gone through Blue Hills....there's a lot down off of Rt 3 South. I just get bored bombing around the Newton area, gets old.
Looking for new ideas, and it's easier to take off somewhere if I plan out where I'm going.
littlek wrote:Are you looking more for curves or quiet?
You're asking Slappy this??

Do you always post loaded questions?
But aren't most curvy roads quiet?
Well, I can think of lots of nice drives, well afew, but I'm not sure they'd be good for riding. Quick rides through lincoln and weston would be nice. I imagine he doesn't want lots of lights or traffic.....
Slappy, Have you headed west on Rt. 135 and gone out towards Webster and taken the roads along the CT/MA border?
If you dropped down into CT there is a really nice ride from the exit off of I-84 near Stafford Springs, CT through Storrs on Rt. 190. There's always a lot of bikers out on that stretch on good riding days. You could take 190 over to I-91 and head north back into MA.
No Fishin, I haven't been out that far on 135...I could check out 190.
So I could put together quite a few routes from this info. You people really are good for something, eh?
Well, we try.
Actually we're just tryin to get rid of you
Remember- we want you back though...stay sober, safe & loud.