Danon and pwayfarer, the way I trasnfer photos is by copy/scan from the Lexmark program <my printer>
First, I copy/scan the photo, then send to "my pictures" on my computer.
At 'my pictures' theres a link on the left side of the page that reads "Publish this folder to the web".
Click that and the web publisher window appears, and I click the photo i want to transfer. The web publisher sends my photos to the MSN free photo storage site. <you can also use a site that your windows program suggests>
Here's the link to the free MSN photo storage site
Tranfering the photo to a forum from the msn webpage, I right click the photo, click 'properties' then highlight the url address and click copy, open the a2k posting window, click IMG then paste the address in the img window, then click ok. The URL address appears and downloads the photo after you've clicked 'preview' or 'submit'.
Pwayfarer, you may have a digital photo transfer connector on your computer modem. My computer has one, but I've never used it because I don't own a digital camera.
Glad you liked the photos from the megastuctures site! Malta must have been beautiful! <deranged bird shooters excluded>
Here's a photo transfered from the msn wildlife photo storage site.
Danon, the photo transfers only from the smaller pic. When I click the photo there is a larger picture to view, but for some reason the larger shot doesn't transfer. I have no idea why