Volume #59/ The Rainforest Spring!

Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2005 04:36 pm
No Canadian Egrets that I know of, Stradee. I have to travel to get my hit of Egrets <sighing>


You and your 283 friends have supported 1,817,721.2 square feet!

Marine Wetlands habitat supported: 37,358.1 square feet.
You have supported: (0.0)
Your 283 friends have supported: (37,358.1)

American Prairie habitat supported: 34,336.9 square feet.
You have supported: (9,761.7)
Your 283 friends have supported: (24,575.2)

Rainforest habitat supported: 1,746,026.2 square feet.
You have supported: (160,161.3)
Your 283 friends have supported: (1,585,864.9)


1 Aktbird57 .. 1082 41.724 acres
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Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2005 05:48 pm
Hi Stradee, nice picture. Looks like a nice place to rest up.

You certainly are bringing back some long ago and far away memories. Lets see, the fabric is basically polyester and is fitted to the frame and glued on with a fabric cement called Tak. Then it is heat shrunk to tighten the fabric. After that each individual wing rib is stitched and the rib is covered with a strip of fabric to cover the stitching. Then the fabric surfaces are covered with a sealer - I think called fabric brush. After that the surfaces are covered with a UV protection called Poly Spray - it's silver colored. Then the whole thing is painted, usually with a urethane but there are many different paints available (they are all VERY expensive too.)
We called the stinky stuff dope, too.....grin
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2005 11:11 pm
thanks pwayfarer, but the danged link takes forever to load! <must be firewall protection software from my computer - er sumpin'>

Googled 'megalithic temples' and found photos of the temple grounds at


When I have more computer time, i'll try connecting to the link Danon posted.

Super interesting stuff though, and I hope ya brought back lots of pics from your visit. Very Happy

Will someone splain the hemp product ya all used for airplane repairs?
er, what sort of innovative aircraft were you guys flying anyhooo? Shocked

0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2005 11:14 pm
oops = Embarrassed

never mind
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Reply Tue 26 Apr, 2005 11:47 pm
aww, ehBeth! Do you live near Chantry Island?


Found a Canadian Wildlife information link, and here's what they said regarding St Josephs Island.

The sanctuary at St. Joseph Island - the most westerly island in the Manitoulin chain - features such bird species as Bald Eagles, Red-shouldered Hawks and Olive-sided Flycatchers. Chantry Island is known as a major Ring-billed Gull and Herring Gull rookery. The island also hosts nesting Great Blue Herons, Black-Crowned Night Herons and Great Egrets.

I've lived in the Sierra's almost three years now and haven't seen one Eagle, <Egrets and Herons live near the Sacramento River though> During Spring, Eagles travel from warmer habitats, hunting at higher elevations after the snows have melted. Well, thats what nature websites say at any rate. <sigh>
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 06:19 am
Rainforest 59
Stradee, that is an absolutely beautiful site- thank you. I especially appreciated the photos of Mnajidra (pronounced Nydra) since we didn't get to it. It is down a very steep hill from the temple of Hagar Qim (pronounced Hagar eem) and not too accessible for Elderhostelers. Very disappointing. It is also the site of a devastating vandalism done last year by these insane Maltese birders, furious that Mnnajidra was put off limits to them. They overturned a number - lots of them- of the megaliths, which is a double disaster, since those stones formed one of the clearest astronomical calendars marking solstice and equinox of pre history. These temples predate stonehenge by a couple of thousand years.
The site of both these temples on the south coast of Malta is stunning, with that small island of Filfa in the background.
Ggigantia, on the North coast of the Island of Gozo, pointed toward Sicily, is pretty impressive - I especially likes the younger (north) temple. It has a serenity which is more apparant than in the other sites.

Will somebody tell me in words of one sylable how to put a few of my digital photos into here?

Ah, my spelling - where are you,Aa?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 08:24 am
Mornin all,
Clicked for the ehBeth and me...

We both need info from Stradee on how to show photos. The site I used now limits photo to thumbnails which must then be clicked on to see the photo.

Help!! What site do you use to show photos here?

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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 08:40 am

we just had a feature in our radio about Malta.

They added some nice websites. This is Mnajdra, island of Filfa in the background.


a photo roundtrip -in German- but pictures are universal.

Thanks for the new thread.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 09:47 am
Danon and pwayfarer, the way I trasnfer photos is by copy/scan from the Lexmark program <my printer>

First, I copy/scan the photo, then send to "my pictures" on my computer.

At 'my pictures' theres a link on the left side of the page that reads "Publish this folder to the web".
Click that and the web publisher window appears, and I click the photo i want to transfer. The web publisher sends my photos to the MSN free photo storage site. <you can also use a site that your windows program suggests>

Here's the link to the free MSN photo storage site

Tranfering the photo to a forum from the msn webpage, I right click the photo, click 'properties' then highlight the url address and click copy, open the a2k posting window, click IMG then paste the address in the img window, then click ok. The URL address appears and downloads the photo after you've clicked 'preview' or 'submit'.

Pwayfarer, you may have a digital photo transfer connector on your computer modem. My computer has one, but I've never used it because I don't own a digital camera.

Glad you liked the photos from the megastuctures site! Malta must have been beautiful! <deranged bird shooters excluded>

Here's a photo transfered from the msn wildlife photo storage site.


Danon, the photo transfers only from the smaller pic. When I click the photo there is a larger picture to view, but for some reason the larger shot doesn't transfer. I have no idea why Confused
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 10:04 am
Danon, perhaps if you transfer photos to the site suggested by your photo wizard, you may be able to transfer larger photos to a2k instead of just the thumbnail sizes.

Ul, lovely photo, thanks!
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 11:06 pm
good evening all ~

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Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 07:29 am
Good morning Stradee and all,

Clicked for ehBeth and the kids plus myself.

I noticed the click for AKTbird said the daily click had already been done!!!! Way to go Andrew!!!

It appears that the MSN web site transfers only thumbnails - that's the same as the other site I was using. There has to be a better way. Looking for a different site. Thanks for the info.......................
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Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 10:11 am
Am I running around in circles? If I'm not this is a beautifl, new thread! I love it and I just clicked!
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Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 02:05 pm
Danon, I was able to transfer the enlarged photos to forum sights until recently! Can't figure out why Confused Does the transfer have anything to do with computer memory, or do the sights regulate transfers? Seattle has a photo album site that Kevin set up for registered members, but i'm unable to transfer the enlarged photos from that site also. Confusing, huh?

Teeny, glad you found the new thread! Welcome Smile

all clicked
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Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 03:25 pm
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Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 05:51 pm
That is fascinating Stradee, just today we stopped at a rock shop in AR about an hours drive N of us and bought some petrified oyster shells that came from around where we bought them. You never think of that being under water millions of years ago. Also, I have petrified sea shells and sea plants that I picked up from an area just W of Fort Worth, TX. That was all an ocean in the old days. Also, on the wall of the shop in AR was a photo of an excavated and restored dinosaur that was about 40 ft long that was found in the area just about 10 miles above the Red River border of Texas and Arkansas. Very interesting stuff.

You're right, it is strange to find a whale in Egypt. ((May I direct your attention to my signature line below))

Also, re. posting photos, the site that I was using to show photos on line did the same thing - they now, all of a sudden, show only thumbnails (which may be clicked on to show the larger photo in a new window) I think it has a lot to do with the commercial sites that offer this service at a price and are losing money. The very same thing happened several years ago with the "free" ISP's!! All of a sudden they all went away - never to be seen again. Then we all had to "pay" to get on line. Ah, to have Alta Vista again.....................
The messenger telephone service is going to cost us too.
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Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 07:17 pm
How cool Danon!

Not sure if I have anything petrified, <checking the scuba seashell collection>... found a rock thats particially covered with what appears to resemble netting material but definitely from some sort of sea life, and a lovely Mollusk Shell <intricate> plus a half dozen sand dollars <in tact> but one of the strangest looking artifacts is what appears to be rock material, only there are distinquishing grooves covering one side of the stone (?) <similar to an aerial view of a maze photo> The other side of the rock is smoother, but also has smaller ruts covering the surface. Looks like something from outter space - and could very well be that. oh, and three half oyster shells in super condition.

Then from Montana, I found two rocks with the most interesting quartz designs! One is flat with inlaid stones, and the second rock covered with all different sizes of quarts - reminds me of a cityscape made entirely of glass buildings. Pretty cool when the sun reflects a zillion colors.

Ya know, you're right Dan! Seems when extra storage isn't purchased from 'free' sights, the transfers affected. I'm going to attempt using the avatar sizing program with photos from 'my pictures' before the transfer. Also, the webpublishing wizard gives three choices of photo sizes <of the same photo> sm, med, or lrg, just before the pic transfers to the web album page. Worth a try anyhooo.
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Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 07:31 pm
I think I can...I think I am....or am I?

Woodpeckers reborn, honey bees disappearing, spring has sprung.

Sold my soul and let my body out for unspeakable acts to get back online, but am almost here. Must try to repair old drive to get important stuff, but the ancient box was given a decent burial. All hail to the new box!!!!!
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Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 08:08 pm
gosh, thought i'd never find the name of the seashell mentioned in my last posting. During a scuba excursion, I was fortunate finding an intact Murex seashell.

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Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 08:10 pm
Hi Stradee. You missed my post above.

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