Sun 9 Mar, 2003 01:42 pm
I'm sure some of you read this story:
Quote:Posted on Sun, Mar. 09, 2003
An epidemic of stupidity, intolerance
By Peter Delevett
Mercury News
Every time we turn around these days, it seems another public figure says something incredibly dumb.
The latest to show off her ignorance was Washington state Rep. Lois McMahan, a law-and-order Republican from suburban Tacoma.
As in many states, our neighbors to the north like to kick off their legislative sessions with a prayer. Monday's chaplain was a Muslim cleric named Mohamad Joban.
As Joban began to pray, McMahan and another legislator walked out.
McMahan -- in one of the more stunning recent examples of official intolerance -- later called her protest ``an issue of patriotism,'' adding that Islam is ``part and parcel with the attack on America.''
To blame the world's 1.3 billion Muslims for the acts of a few fanatics is like blaming every white man with a mustache for Hitler's atrocities.
Have you come across some dumb things a local, state or national politician have said? Why not share?
Well, I do not think that Mr. McMahan displayed political wisdom... He just put end to his career in politics, IMHO. Now the label of bigot will be stuck to him, and it is uneasy to remove such a label.
Why assume he ended his career in politics. He may well have enhanced it.
probably get appointed to the Bush cabinet
As a woman, I hate to be the one to point this out, but I believe McMahan is a woman. Her first name is Lois, the feminine of Louis.
Wanna bet she's related to Phyllis Schafly?
It isn't a matter of political wisdom, it's a matter of being really really stupid and simple minded. You do continue to amaze me.
This quote is from a TV industry newsletter
"There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There
are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know and
there are things that we don't know. But there are also unknown
unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know."
DONALD RUMSFELD, clarifying U.S. policy on the war on terror at a
Pentagon briefing.
(Heaven help us.)
Rumsfeld put it all in a nutshell there, mamajuana. G W Bush couldn't have said it better.