blatham wrote:Ticomaya wrote:So ... are you pro-choice or not?
What I'm not is absolutist. Seat belt legislation is a pretty perfect example. Minimization of suffering seems the properly moral/ethical position even if that might sometimes be difficult to evaluate (as in the 'costs' to liberty in such a law weighed against the 'cost' to so many who do/will suffer in the absence of the law - plus the tax burden born by all as Set points to). In the seatbelt case, I don't have much trouble weighing consequences. Other cases can be far tougher, as with abortion.
I agree with you except that i don't think the moral/ethical point; although valid, is overridden by the free choice perspective. However the simple fact is when you get in a accident, and don't where a seat belt you make a huge mess, and someone has to pay to clean it up, I think there should be an insurance waiver you could purchase to exclude you from the seat belt law, But I also think the logistics of setting it up would be too costly and convoluted to be reasonable. Therefore I support the seatbelt laws! (Yeah a bit of a long strange trip.)
I also smoke (about a pack a week),but not in my house, even if it's -40 degrees outside. Even a dog know not to sh*t in his house.
I support laws that limit smoking in public places. There's no reason I should let my dirty, irresponsible habit, impact others, However I believe that bars and restaurants should be able to set their own policies regarding smoking. I think there's a market for non-smoking bars, if someone would try it. I also know there's a market for cigar bars, there's a bar here locally in madison that provides huka pipes with flavored tobacco (The kasbah is one of my faves). This is one place where I think market forces should rule supreme.