I think an overhaul of the health system in general is needed. Doctors are to quick to prescribe drugs and surgeries for ailments and care less and less about preventative care. People getting sick has become big business.
Part of this is due to the insurance companies dictating what the doc can charge and how much time they can spend with patients, part is drug companies (who are also making obscene amounts of dollars) pushing their legal drugs, part is hospitals finding ways to keep their doors open.
I think the way to go is not get sick. Sure accidents happen and sometimes no matter how healthy you are you are bound to catch something, but there is a lot you can do in order to stack the odds in your favor. The less health care is needed the less it is going to cost.
An ounce of prevention is worth ten tons of cure.
Not that I care for Starbucks at all (in fact I've never been to one), but most companies don't offer insurance for part-timers at all, even if you pay your exhorbitant share.
Grocery stores are famous for calling employees part-time, but making them work full-time hours, so no insurance is required.
Been without medical insurance for over 6 years now, lalalala.... and yes, the answer is, just don't get sick, don't get injured, and drive Very Carefully. If we get sick, we take herbs and hope for the best.
I am surprised and saddened by what I read.
It is unbelievable to me, that a country that is SO incredibly rich, does not have any form of free basic health provision for their people.
Shocked....shocked I tell you.................................
My daughter worked at a local grocery store... part-time.... and received full medical benefits. That was because of the grocery clerk union.
I like Starbucks... it started as a single store right here in Seattle, but I usually go to a smaller coffee place. I think you should write a letter to the corporate headquarters, jp, and tell them just what happened. It isn't fair.
Lord Ellpus... exactly right. On another thread someone was asking about "why America thinks it is so great." Here's a good reason it will never truly be great. The people who run the country and the economic engines are too damned stingy. There is no largesse from those "who have" and "who have more".