your referrenced website,
How do you know the Bible is true?, amounts to "preaching to the choir" - literally. The "Proof" it offers is "Proof" only to those predisposed to accept the proposition - it proceeds from the thesis that it proves itself - a logical impossibility.
Just to take one example of the specious "proofs" offered thereon, I quote from the website:
Quote:The Proof of Historians
Secular history supports the Bible. For example, in The Antiquities of the Jews, book 18, chapter 3, paragraph 3 the famous historian Flavius Josephus writes:
etc etc
The author of this "proof" ignores the historic and contextual realities of the matter, as were discussed on these boards some while back, in a post dealing with
Josephus, Tacitus, et al as claims of "Biblical Proofs".
"The Bible is true because the Bible is Gods word, which we know because the Bible tells us so" is no proof whatsoever.