Momma Angel wrote:You want examples? Ok, try these:
He has called my beliefs guessing and my faith silly insistence that my guess is right.
That's his appraisal of your position, not of you.
Quote:He has called the God of my understanding a "piece of shyt God" and an "idiotic" God.
Same deal.
Quote:He asks me when am I going to see the light? He has continually used God's name in vain when I have asked him not to.
And you say you feel sorry for him, that you pray for him, and at least imply you'd prefer he conform to your concept of what is "Rght" according to your religion. Same deal there - he thinks one way, you another.
Quote:I am not the only one he has done this to. I have been reading other forums where he has interjected his venom.
He pulls no punches, sure. However, he sees "Faith", in the religious sense, as essentially undifferentiated from superstition, which, being by definition a belief in a thing or condition lacking empirical evidence, in fact, it is. No matter how fervently held, Faith is simply a guess wrapped in personal conviction - it is emotional, not rational.
Quote:He accuses me of trying to force my religious beliefs on others and says I am judging them by using the term lost.
I can understand why he might.
Quote:I have tried and tried and tried to get him to hold a conversation without putting down my personal beliefs, which it is clearly stated in the guidelines, but he has yet to even admit it's what he is doing.
Anyone is perfectly welcome to challenge anyone else's beliefs, assertions, preferences, or choice of breakfast beverage, so long as its done civilly. When presented with challenge or rejection, rebut it, don't pout and play victim. You object to and disagree with Frank's position (which, BTW, essentially is the same as my own as regards the subject here at discussion; I see religion as bunk myself). Fine. Argue your point - show him he's wrong, prove your case, objectively, factually, and unemotionally. He thinks your position is as wrongheaded and indefensible as you perceive his to be. Are either of you more entitled than the other to hold and express personal points of view?
Quote: I noticed in another post in another forum, where he was attacking someone, that they caught him in a hypocritical statement and he totally ignores it.
Got a link? I'd be happy to take a look and let you know what I think about it - not that that woud mean any more than what I think about it.
Quote:And, when I stated that "Oh, I see how it is. It's do as Frank does or it's not right." He stated that in all honesty, that's how he feels most of the time.
Sauce-goose-gander; you're not doing the same thing from the opposite perspective? Think about it.
Quote:I would still enjoy having a decent civil conversation with him, as I am very interested in why people turn from God (or just don't believe). That is why I engage in this forum. I am trying to learn.
You proceed, as religionists so characteristically are wont, from an illicit major premise. There is no rational, logical basis for there either to be or not to be a diety, whatever one cares to call it, however one cares to define it. I see the crux of your complaint to be that you don't like Frank's argument, and by extension, Frank's manner of argument because he continually points to the flaws in your argument. You don't have a case there; his allegations of logical flaws stand unrefuted, your manner of argument thereby conceding the argument to him. Your manner of argument plainly and simply makesFrank's case for him. Now, yeah, he could be nicer about it - gentler, if you would, but he need not be. It might even be better if he were nicer about it - but again, he need not be. Rhetoric and style aside, Frank challenges your argument, and you do not meet that challenge, you merely object to it.
Quote:The only thing I have learned from Frank is how to be pompous, belittling,
Pot-Kettle-Black right there - you damn your own objection.
Quote:and how to spell "shyt" so it doesn't get kicked out of a post.
Well, at least, even if all the rest is bullshit, that would be something of a gain, but only if **** was something that would get "kicked out of a post" in the first place, so, it would appear there was nothing to be learned there, after all.