Catholic Church Now Accepts Gays

Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2005 04:44 am
Ladies, and Gentlemen;
....http://www.able2know.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=53507&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0For the possibly last word on religion, and spirituality, check this out:

0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2005 09:39 am
Booman, you might edit that and leave a space before http and after start=0, then it might work as a link.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2005 10:47 am
thunder_runner32 wrote:
No, since American society has chosen more liberal laws. It deals with the discussion because I'm trying to show that countries can decay from poor moral choices.

Yeah...that's what you jerks always do....blame anything bad on the liberals.

Well...America has been in a moral decline for the last 3 or 4 decades....and that coincides with the ascendency of American conservatism.

Perhaps countries can decay from poor moral choices....but stop using Rome, because you look like a fool doing so....since, as has been pointed out several times already, Rome didn't fall until after Christianity started influencing its moral direction. And the western world didn't fall into dark ages until after Christianity started influencing its moral direction.
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Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2005 11:07 am
Thunder runner--

I'm not anti-Christian.

Sometimes we come about our strongly held beliefs due to nothing more than influence or desire to validate our other strongly held beliefs.

Frank happens to be correct about Rome.

Debauchery, homosexuality and orgiastic overeating :wink: have been around since the beginning of time. It didn't suddenly pop up in Rome and cause the Fall.

If someone you respect told you that, I can understand why you would believe it. That has happened to everyone. But, rather than defend it--read about the Fall of Rome from two or three different sources. Then decide for yourself what seems plausible.

Good wishes.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2005 01:22 pm
Laughing Laughing
Well, if Americans really need it, what can the rest of the world do?
If Americans want to legalize the Soddon and Gommora, Good for Americans. Go ahead!
Make Cali a honey place for Homosexuals from all around the world. Make Prostitution Legal as well, and open special schools where young kids can go and learn how to become a transexual, homosexual, bisexual, zoofeel and etc. Confused
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2005 02:40 pm
NoNe wrote:
Laughing Laughing
Well, if Americans really need it, what can the rest of the world do?
If Americans want to legalize the Soddon and Gommora, Good for Americans. Go ahead!
Make Cali a honey place for Homosexuals from all around the world. Make Prostitution Legal as well, and open special schools where young kids can go and learn how to become a transexual, homosexual, bisexual, zoofeel and etc. Confused

Sounds like a hell of an improvement over the direction in which we are currently headed...which is toward control of the populace by Christianity.

Now that sucks big time compared with your hypothetical.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2005 03:16 pm

Thanks Osso...Feel free to Beam up..or over... Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2005 03:34 pm

Booman, links usually start with http://

The t=52517 is the topic number.

If you have dots or letters right before or after those, the link won't work..

(unless the links after are significant, but let's start here).
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Wolf ODonnell
Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2005 05:05 am
thunder_runner32 wrote:
BOTTOM LINE: the slow gradual decay of morals was the reason. Did you actually read the link I posted, or did you just assume what was in it?

Wake up, Thunder. Using your brain is not going to hurt you....and it will do no harm to your brain.

I DIDN'T USE MY BRAIN??!?! Just about one minute ago, you just tried to convince me that the fall of Rome was due to Christianity, don't even try to tell me that, you hypocrit!


One of the real reasons as to why Rome fell apart was because the troops were spread too thinly. By the time the troops were pulled back to defend the Capital, it was far too late.

Bad things have come from spreading troops too thinly.

The Tax on the American Colonists' tea? You know, the one that led to the War of Independence? That was also because the British spread their troops too thinly, so they needed to increase revenues in order to train more troops.

P.S. You think America is liberal? If America had chosen more liberal laws, I would be seeing you guys having a National Health Care service like in liberal Canada and in the relatively liberal UK. America isn't liberal and to say that the Democrat Party is liberal is a joke.

Note also that in Rome, homosexuality was more of a staple of the high classes. The average laymen had none of that stuff and were far more conservative than the Christians at the time.

Why, Romans even labelled Christians as sexual perverts. Why? Well, it may have had something to do with that particular cult that indulged in orgiastic rituals, but it also was because Christians allowed women to sit at the same table as men. Compared to what the Romans practised, that was liberal!

Liberalism does not necessarily mean unChristian.

Why, I know a Christian fundamentalist and you know what? He supports the supposedly liberal Democrat Party. He's quite liberal on a lot of issues, because he think it's far more Christian to be liberal than Conservative.
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thunder runner32
Reply Thu 16 Jun, 2005 04:53 am
NoNe wrote:

Well, if Americans really need it, what can the rest of the world do?
If Americans want to legalize the Soddon and Gommora, Good for Americans. Go ahead!
Make Cali a honey place for Homosexuals from all around the world. Make Prostitution Legal as well, and open special schools where young kids can go and learn how to become a transexual, homosexual, bisexual, zoofeel and etc.

Sounds like a hell of an improvement over the direction in which we are currently headed...which is toward control of the populace by Christianity.

Now that sucks big time compared with your hypothetical.

Are you nuts Frank? Hedonism has been the downfall of many cultures since the beginning of time!
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 16 Jun, 2005 08:21 am
thunder_runner32 wrote:
NoNe wrote:

Well, if Americans really need it, what can the rest of the world do?
If Americans want to legalize the Soddon and Gommora, Good for Americans. Go ahead!
Make Cali a honey place for Homosexuals from all around the world. Make Prostitution Legal as well, and open special schools where young kids can go and learn how to become a transexual, homosexual, bisexual, zoofeel and etc.

Sounds like a hell of an improvement over the direction in which we are currently headed...which is toward control of the populace by Christianity.

Now that sucks big time compared with your hypothetical.


Well name two!

Are you nuts Frank? Hedonism has been the downfall of many cultures since the beginning of time!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2005 10:27 am
I've written this in many places: Marriage is not defined as the union of man and wife but as a legal contract designed to protect the financial interests of the parties to said contract (in previous times, it would also have included the financial interests of the families of the parties to the marriage).

I really don't think the recognition of homosexual marriage is a sign of debauchery but something quite the opposite.
0 Replies
thunder runner32
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2005 06:37 pm
So, you don't think there should be any laws on marraige?
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Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2005 07:05 pm
Consenting adults would be my law.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 18 Jun, 2005 04:10 am
Lash wrote:
Consenting adults would be my law.

Sounds good to me!

Of course, people like Thunder are always worried about what would offend their god. And since "their god" is the god described in the Bible....that means every goddam thing humans do that is not a variation on kissing the god's a55.
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Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2005 08:13 am
thunder -- If your question about not having any laws re: marriage is directed to me, how did you ever come to that conclusion.

I wrote my thesis on Medieval marriage in Ireland, following the work Georges Duby did on Medieval marriage in northern France.

During the Middle Ages, when civil authority waxed and waned, there was a general movement toward wrested authority from the Church. The year 1215 was a big year for marriage, in part because marriage as an issue was addressed by a synod of the bishops of northern France in Paris, the Fourth Lateran Council and the Magna Charta. The worry then was the consent of the bride to the wedding.

Medieval divorce is a hoot.

Now, where are you on the political spectrum? If you are a conservative or a libertarian (another sort of conservative) it seems strange that you would be calling for more law, which is implicit in your question.
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Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 02:22 pm
The point is not whether The Church is "behind the times", or "out of step with society today; The Church never has been known for paying much attention to such considerations. The point is not even whether The Church. or secular law or opininion, is "Right" or "Wrong" on the issue. In this discussion, matter under examination is the assertion "The Catholic Church Now Accepts Gays". I submit, once more, that assertion is not based on fact, but rather conclusively, is refuted by the available evidence.

Strongly echoing the position articulated Here:
Vatican Cardinal Ends Debate: No Communion for Pro-Abortion Politicians or Rainbow Sashers
Says "Are we going to change Divine Law, how God made us?"

VATICAN CITY, February 16, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Nigerian Cardinal Francis Arinze, the top Vatican Cardinal in charge of the sacraments of the Catholic Church has made it plain in an on-camera interview with EWTN that pro-abortion politicians may not be admitted to Holy Communion.

A February 11 EWTN broadcast of the news program, World Over Live, with host Raymond Arroyo, featured an interview with Arinze, the Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. The interview covered a wide range of topics, including female altar servers, Latin in the Mass, abortion and the rainbow sash movement.

Arroyo questioned the Vatican Cardinal saying: "Last year, you were asked at a press conference whether a politician, a Catholic politician who supports abortion publicly should be permitted to the Communion rail, should be permitted to receive Communion publicly. What is your response to that?"

Cardinal Arinze responded, "The answer is clear. If a person says I am in favour of killing unborn babies whether they be four thousand or five thousand, I have been in favour of killing them. I will be in favour of killing them tomorrow and next week and next year. So, unborn babies, too bad for you. I am in favour that you should be killed, then the person turn around and say I want to receive Holy Communion. Do you need any Cardinal from the Vatican to answer that?

Laughing, Arroyo responded, "It should be pretty transparent." To which the Cardinal concluded, "Simple, ask the children for First Communion, they'll give you the answer."

Similarly, Cardinal Arinze ruled out Communion for homosexual activists.

Arroyo noted that while some US bishops have refused Communion to Rainbow Sash activists, others such as Archbishop Harry Flynn of Minneapolis - St. Paul have not. Flynn, after meeting with Cardinal Arinze in Rome recently, suggested that the Cardinal was open to allowing communion for Rainbow Sash activists.

Arroyo first confirmed the meeting with Archbishop Flynn took place. "Did such a conversation take place between you and this archbishop?," asked Arroyo, to which Cardinal Arinze responded, "Yes."

Arroyo followed with "And were you open to allowing this group to receive Communion as he inferred in some of the newspapers."

The Vatican Cardinal responded, "No, no. You see, let's get it clear. These rainbow sash people, are they really saying we are homosexuals, we intend to remain so and we want to receive Holy Communion. The question arises; take the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It says it is not condemning a person for having homosexual tendency. We don't condemn anybody for that. But a person stands condemned for acting on it."

On homosexuality the Cardinal was clear. "The Catholic Church has never accepted homosexuality as normal.
You read the scripture. It's very clear. What exactly are we examining? Are we going to change Divine Law, how God made us?"

He made a distinction between active homosexuals and those with homosexual tendencies. "Quite another matter if a person had just the tendencies and is making (an) effort to live the Divine Law, then that's fine. So, we respect persons but be clear on the truth," he said.

The Vatican, today, July 7, 2005, openly and unambiguously Declares War on Cafeteria Catholicism.
Catholics cannot support abortion rights-Vatican
07 Jul 2005 10:18:46 GMT

Source: Reuters

By Philip Pullella

VATICAN CITY, July 7 (Reuters) - The Vatican on Thursday said too many Roman Catholics were not taking their religion seriously ...

... "Some receive communion while denying the teachings of the Church or publicly supporting immoral choices in life, such as abortion, without thinking that they are committing an act of grave personal dishonesty and causing scandal," it said ...

... the Church, which teaches that life begins at the moment of conception and that abortion is murder, says Catholics cannot have it both ways.

The document lamented what it called "a crisis in the meaning of belonging to the Church" and an inadequate understanding of the Catholic teaching that the presence of Christ in the Eucharist is real and not symbolic.

It said an increasingly secularized society had weakened the sense of mystery in the sacrament of communion. Too few Catholics were approaching communion with the "fear and trembling" that the true presence of God warranted" ...

Now, while the Reuters article references divorce and abortion specifically, note the wording among the article's excerpts from the Vatican document released today:

" ... publicly supporting immoral choices in life ... "

"... a crisis in the meaning of belonging to the Church ... "

The Reuters article's focus not withstanding, The Church does not look askance on divorce and abortion alone; as referenced in the earlier quoted Arinze (Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments) interview article, The Church now, and by ancient, even foundational, tradition, doctrine, and dogma, steadfastly condems homosexual practice (as distinct from homosexual preference), which practice it categorizes as a sin of commission against morality - by definition, a sin of grave spiritual consequence to the perpetrator, and, also by definition, "Dishonest, Scandalous Behavior" (" ... grave personal dishonesty and causing scandal"). One may not endorse or participate in the physical expression of homosexual tendencies and remain in communion with The Church, precisely as is the case with abortion, artificial contraception, sex outside the sacrament of Matrimony, or remarriage after divorce.

So, in the matter of The Church and homosexuality, who ya gonna believe? Gay-rights proponents, someone citing a purported, apparently "gay-freindly", San Francisco "Canon Lawyer", or the Vatican, its officials, its traditions, its teachings, and its documents? Gotta wonder what part of "... stands condemmed ... " some folks have trouble grasping.

Note to some in the congregation of San Francisco's Most Holy Redeemer Church (and others of similar stance); enjoy your dreams while you have them. The front desk at the Vatican has your wakeup call scheduled.
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Reply Fri 8 Jul, 2005 09:12 am
The fact remains that there are many homosexuals -- including clergymen -- who are practicing Catholics.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 8 Jul, 2005 09:32 am
I guess they figure practice makes perfect.
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Reply Fri 8 Jul, 2005 09:48 am
The fact remains that one cannot be at once a practicing homosexual and a practicing Catholic.

The two simply are mutually exclusive. One may have homosexual preferences, homosexual tendencies, without excluding one's self from communion with The Church, but to act on those tendencies, to physically engage in homosexul practice, even to engage in sexual practice of any sort, outside the sacrament of Matrimony, especially if persistently, by definition removes one from communion with The Church; "Thou shalt not commit adultery" is a central thesis to the Roman Catholic philosophy. Period.

No way around that, clergy or lay. Most emphatically, one cannot have it both ways. To profess that other might be the case, or to behave in such manner, is irreducibly dishonest. That is not a hurdle, it is an insurmountable barrier.

The Church says so Mr. Green
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