Mon 18 Apr, 2005 09:55 am
I would prefer that they regulate only harassment, but not speech. I see the intent, but this makes me very nervous.
Re: For those who hate "Free Speech Zones"
Baldimo go on to the Middle East like you're always talking about being so hot to do and quit trying to pick a fight here you big bully
Re: For those who hate "Free Speech Zones"
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
Baldimo go on to the Middle East like you're always talking about being so hot to do and quit trying to pick a fight here you big bully

Don't you worry the orders are on their way. When I'm gone you will miss me!
I will hope for your safe return even if you are a
war mongering right wing nut.
After all we are not barbarians right? :wink:
Baldi, Relax!
Most on the left are for free speech, always.
Free speech and Harrassment, as Brandon thoughtfully pointed out, are two different tacos.
Re: For those who hate "Free Speech Zones"
Baldimo wrote:I guess some limited speech zones are ok and others are not. Why is are you on the left going to support this type of zone and not others? Is it because you like the idea of people being able to kill babies regardless of the situation?
Well, that would certainly be my explanation.
Situation is always important. At least for a relativist such as myself but unlike the next pope. One ought to be able to kill babies only of a skin color three and one half shades away (using the ColorYourWorld schema) from one's own.
i am in favour of extending that buffer zone constraining the dissemination of anti abortion rhetoric to...............
at least the Canadian border!
[i support your right to say what you like; please support my right to NOT listen!]
I don't think i'd have as much of an objection to free speech zones anyway if we could just call them something else... The phrase "free speech zone" is just frightening all by itself. I am really freaked out by how easily the idea crept into society that free speech is okay, but only in designated zones. Orwell would be so impressed.
Anyway, maybe the reason why anti-abortion protesters seem more in need of "zones" is because the right-to-lifers are the ones that tend to make the death threats (as in the Schiavo case) or bomb buildings, and demonstrators at political rallies do not.
Incitement isn't free speech.
Free speech isn't an absolute.
Free speech is a means to an end and not an end in itself.
goodfielder wrote:Incitement isn't free speech.
Free speech isn't an absolute.
Free speech is a means to an end and not an end in itself.
Explain that to those who are miffed about not being allowed to enter Bush speechs.
Free Speech Zones aren't about not being allowed to enter Bush speeches, though.
old europe wrote:Free Speech Zones aren't about not being allowed to enter Bush speeches, though.
They are the only places I have seen a complaint. Well there was the zones and the DNC convention but that was almost 6 months ago.
the inauguration parade, baldi. established free speech zones along the parade route. ring a bell ?
since anti-abortion groups want to hang around outside clinics, doesn't it seem fair that pro-choice groups should be allowed to do the same outside of churches or focus on the family or something?
watch how the tune changes if that were to happen...
Baldimo wrote:goodfielder wrote:Incitement isn't free speech.
Free speech isn't an absolute.
Free speech is a means to an end and not an end in itself.
Explain that to those who are miffed about not being allowed to enter Bush speechs.
I think the complaints there are more about political partisanship. If the Bushii were appearing only as a Republican nominee at a meeting then no worries, the Republicans could tell non-Republicans to shove off. But if the Bushii is appearing as President of the US surely all citizens should be treated the same in terms of getting in to listen to him? Security provisions of course would apply, no way would I expect a known nutbar be allowed in to listen to any President of whatever political persuasion.
the problem is that we have a crazed right wing media telling people that anyone who disagrees with bush or his crowd is not really an american, so they have no right to access of the president, no right to put in their two cents worth, etc.
even though nearly 50% of the country voted against his policy. and i'm sure it would have been a different story if some of the fainter of heart hadn't been taken in by stuff like cheney and his " a vote for kerry is a vote for another 9/11" spiel.
Yes DTOM that is a problem, but I get the feeling that everyone should duck because that pendulum is swinging back....wait a minute, maybe not everyone should duck
Re: For those who hate "Free Speech Zones"
Baldimo wrote:
Don't you worry the orders are on their way. When I'm gone you will miss me!

I hope and pray that only good sense gets drilled into your head, young Baldimo. I will miss you, but surely the US military are not creating non-Free speech zones there in Iraq. Of course, they'll allow you to send us updates on the march of freedom.
If you go for an eye examination, you simply drive up to the doctor'soffice, park your car in the office parking lot or street if the office does not have one, and get your eyes examined. Nobody accosts you, approaches you, bothers you.
Same thing for the dentist.
Same thing for physical therapy, skin treatment, or any outpatient procedure.
And most people feel that these patients are entitled to that-just walk up to the front door at the time of your appointment without anyone bothering you.
But when it comes to abortions, it's a different story. Suddenly it's supposed to be okay to surround the place with placard-wielding, death-mask wearing, slogan-shouting demonstrators throwing insults and accusations at the prospective patients and the people who work there all day long.
And then when laws are made to prevent the harassment, they decide to tone it down a bit and call it "valuable information" they want to give the patient. What a joke.
The whole purpose of this "information" is to harass the patient when she shows up at her appointment, to make an obstacle that she has to get past.
When a patient makes an appointment at an abortion clinic, she should be allowed to do what other outpatients do when they go to the eye doctor, dentist, or physical therapist. Anything else is harassment. You can call it "zones", you can call it whatever you want. The patient going to the abortion patient should have the same rights as the patient who is going to any other type of clinic.