Wed 30 Oct, 2002 11:03 pm
The title of this post is: "My wife and I had lunch with Sab Shimono today."
Sab is a character actor who's acted in a quite a few movies and tv series such as MASH, The Simpsons, ER, Seinfeld, the X-Files, Raven, Dear John, and many others. Some of you may have seen him if you go to the movies or watch t.v. One of the first movies he's acted in is Midway, made in 1976 with quite a few famous actors. The reason I know Sab is we were both born and reared in Sacramento. He now lives in Los Angeles, but is now in San Jose acting in a world premier play, "The Winds Cries Mary." My wife and I went to see the show last week, and I really enjoyed the story line based on Ibsen's "Hedda Gabler." c.i.
hello in this context, ci. Always a pleasure.
I'm trying to imagine gloomy old Ibsen in an afro (swedo?) bending backwards on stage and typing with his teeth, then pouring lighter fluid on his script.
I'll move the topic for you.
Hi blatham, Good to hear from you. I'm not that familiar with Ibsen, but the Hedda Gabler story is about a very strong, independent, woman, out of cinque with her place and time. Gotanda's story is based on a Japanese-American woman of the late sixties era in San Francisco (remember Berkeley?), married to a white guy. Her husband is a college professor vying for a position at a local university. He's somewhat of a weakling, which makes the Hedda Gabler character more imposing. My friend played the part of a Business Professor, who's really a dirty old man trying to make out with Hedda (the gal that plays her part). There's more than one way to interpret what goes on, so it makes the story very interesting. I really enjoyed it. c.i.
Hi right back at ya. Hedda is a very powerful play, though I'm not nearly as big a fan of Ibsen as my prof wanted me to become. Did Gotanda, in the end, shoot your dirty old friend in his seething loins?
blatham, Don't want to give away any 'secrets,' but she commits suicide by a samurai sword. She cut her throat with a quick swing of the sword. It seems that was somewhat of a change from the first performance, where she commits suicide on the balcony of their large home. What made this ending somewhat non-traditional was that only 'men' commits suicide by the sword.
