I think I'm kind of popular when I feel like playing that game in real life.
I was always on the fringe of the elite popular people in high school & college. But I was too attracted to the rebels, rockers, intellectuals, goths, and general oddballs to be totally accepted by the elites.
So I'd hang mostly with the popular crowd, but break away often to really truly experience life with the outcasts and rebels.
Now most my friends who were really popular in high school have not made much of themselves and they are at a dead end. They still talk about high school as if that was the one bright spot of their life.
Sad. That game was shallow and empty. Glad I was able to mostly dump it in the mental trashbin and move on to much better things in every area of life.
Its kind of ironic, and a poetic justice of sorts: Often people that figured out how to be very popular in high school keep that high school level maturity their entire life and never grow past that, because that was the one thing they were good at. Thus, they sort of try to re-live 3 years of high school popularity for the next 60 years of their life, and it never really works.
There is so much more out there in every direction in life once one can dump the illusion called popularity in the trash. Such freedom is beyond that trap. I often feel like I didn't truly start living my life until I got beyond caring about popularity much. (I won't say I'm immune to it all now, but I've worked on getting past a lot of the BS).
Most people seem to hate me on A2K though.