Wed 13 Apr, 2005 08:00 am
Edit (Moderator): Link removed
Im helping my friend with a charity night where we are having a quiz and raising money for the above charity.
I need advice on constructing a begging letter which Im going to send to a number of shops in the area asking for prize donations.
Niceness is not my best quality so I was wondering how I should word it.
Be honest and short and bring it to them in-person.
Do enough homework that you address it to the correct person and be impeccable with your grammar & spelling. Be sure that you have contact addresses & phone numbers. Sign it by a real person in a different colored ink. Also, make sure you are totally in compliance with local law.
Explain why you think they should be interested in this charity.. in one sentence. Mention specific things including new leads and advertising spots. Offer something, anything in return... even just a mention in the program.
When F2F, show them a mock-up of program if they seem interested.
Be sure to give them at least three thank-yous -- one immediately, one in writing (can be hand-delivered) and one at the event.
Be innovative & colorful. Use style rather than expensive paper to make your statement. Pick interesting stamps, especially ones that fit with your event or charity.
Thanks for help but my pal just informed me that companies will only donate to public events, our quiz will be held in a private home.Suppose there is nothing in it for them.
If you are involved with this type activity in the future, you would do better to replace the word "begging" with "solicitation".