Oooo, try this! It's fun....
Would You Rather..
You write down questions like "Would you rather ___ or ____?" on pieces of paper. Fold them up and toss them in a hat (or bowl) and everyone takes one. Then everyone has to stand up and read their question, answer it and say why. You can take the time to discuss it or just move on. Great ice breaker and fun game to get to know people a bit.
Some sample questions:
Would you rather be President of a land out of a Dr.Seuss book or a science fiction novel?
Would you rather be able to read minds or become invisible?
Would you rather sweat because of exercise or humidity?
Would you rather ride a roller coaster or ride a mechanical bull?
Would you rather be told you have a booger hanging out of your nose or that you have bad breath?
Would you rather step in dog poop barefoot or have a bird poop on your head?
Would you rather give up your favorite food forever or television for 2 years?