By what standards?
Everyone has personal problems, and many people consider the end of life to be an excellent solution. It might even be the case, but consider that all you can be absolutely certain of, at this moment, is that you have one life.
I know of no beliefs that contend that if a person ends their life they will get to pick it up again at some future time and place when they are "happy" That doesn't mean it's not possible but do you think it is?
Is there nothing in your current future to which you can look forward? If there is, an end to your life now will put an end to it.
You really should seek professional help. Talk to your doctor or pastor about your feelings. There are means and methods that might resolve your personal problems and make you feel good about living again. If they don't work you can always go back to where you are today, but why not try a route that might make you excited to continue your life?