Hi Nadine
So you've been corresponding via text with a boy who is 3 years older than you for over a year now. You want to meet him but you are afraid of telling your father about him. You believe you are in love with him. Is this right?
First of all, it's certainly possible that the two of you are in love, that only you are, or, just as jespha's wrote, it's also possible that what you feel is more like infatuation than love.
I'd like to ask you a few questions if you don't mind. Answer all, a few, or none. Whatever you're comfortable with
1) About how long is the typical text he sends to you and how long is the typical text you send to him?
2) How often do you text each other?
3) What subjects do you text each other about? You don't have to go into detail, just general subjects like Family, Music, School etc
4) What site did you "meet" him on? Again, you don't need to provide the site address or even the name. It would be helpful, though, to know what sort of site it was. Such as "Music" "Dating" etc
5) Do you live far apart? In the same State, Provence or District? In the same country?
6) If you could describe him in three or four words, what would they be?
7) Has he ever told you that he loves your and/or that he wants to meet you? Have you ever made plans to meet?
8) What do you think would happen if you told your father about the boy?
9) Would you feel OK talking to your mother about him?
10) Do you have any sisters or female cousins? If so, what are their ages?
That's enough for now and, again, only answer the questions you feel comfortable answering. If you don't want to answer any that's fine too.
As far as the best way to ask God for help, it depends a lot on how you see God, but if you think he is "the only Person" you have in your life, I'm thinking you already pray to him, and maybe even a lot. I don't know if there is a "best" way to ask God for help, but if there is, I think it's a lot like the "best" way to ask anyone for help.
Start by being completely honest. In the case of God, he will know if you are lying anyway but I'm sure he wants you to be honest and no matter what, it will help you with your own thinking if you are.
I don't think you should ask him anything like "Please let me be with this boy," or "Please let my father allow me to meet this boy." God is not a wishing well that will grant one, two or three wishes to someone with a magic penny. I think a better idea is to ask him things like:
"Please help me to clearly know how I feel about this boy, and how I can resolve my problem without hurting anyone, including myself."
"Please help me to come to a decision about what is the best thing for my life."
"Please help me to find a way to better communicate with my father and the rest of my family so that they understand the way I am, how I think and what my goals and dreams are."
(I'm going to sneak in another question here. Do you think your family really hates you, or is it more the case that they don't understand why you are so "different" from them? Can it be that they are hurt or even worried by the fact that you don't share all of their values?)
I think God wants us to be happy, but I think he also wants us to make up our own minds, and to solve our own problems. There are ways he wants us to be and ways he doesn't want us to be, but he leaves the choice about how we are to us. I think he will help you to make the right choice, but he won't make the choice for you, and he won't make any choice for your father or the boy you love. Ask him for the opportunity to think and communicate clearly, for the strength that will be needed to solve your problem and to accept whatever the outcome might be.
Not everyone believes in God. There are good people here who don't believe in God but will still care about your situation and give you good advice. I don't know what jespah believes about God, but she will give you worthy advice that you should consider; so will others (whether or not they believe in God). I suggest you think about all of the advice you may get from people who seem like they care. I really think everyone can recognize the right thing to do when they are open and honest with themselves. (Another thing to ask God for help with.)
There may even be some people here who don't believe in God who will tell you not to waste your time asking "him" for help. They may or may not also give you good advice. Consider their advice, but ignore it if it doesn't ring true for you. (Which is a good thing to do with any of the advice you may get, regardless of what the person believes about God) A few people here, who don't believe in God, like to tell those who do that they are silly for doing so. There is no reason at all to be ashamed or embarrassed about believing in God, so I would just ignore anyone who tries to make you feel that way. It may not happen, but in case it does, just my advice on how to deal with it.
With God's help, and some help from the people who here who will care enough to give you advice, you have the ability to figure out the best way forward.
Take care and hope to hear back from you.