In addition, De Niro has given much better performances for Scorcese and is identified with that director. In Kenneth Branaugh's expert hands in "Frankenstein," he comes off as a bum who just fell off a freight train car and scared up his face badly. Have no idea what happened there.
What do you think of Branaugh?
I think Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson will go down in history as a couple of the best actors of our generation.Especially Emma, I think her portrayal of the wife in love Actually was priceless.Even in things like Peters Friends(also with Branagh)and Junior she is hypnotic.
I loved the early Branaugh and think his Henry V is brilliant, better than LArry Olivier's which I find too romantic and overwrought. I loved a lot of his Shakespeare films, which had a light and modern touch. However, his last few films have become bombastic and overstuffed.
Branaugh is a born Shakespearean actor who, as plainoldme points out, carries the airs over into other dramatic and comedic works where it doesn't work so well. Only Shakespeare can write Shakespeare. It's a great career background to be able to play Shakespeare but it can overtake the actor when trying to play more ordinary people. Well, even his portrayal of Dr. Frankenstein became laughable in parts because of silly looking Shakespearean mannerisms, not to mention the silly looking beefcake image. Hollywood hunk as a mad scientist doesn't work.
(I do like his "Henry V" and "Hamlet" over any other version).
Me, too, LW! Loved it!
I think sometimes a talented actor finds a role suited to their personality, or whatever, and I think How to Kill Your Neighbor's Dog was it for him. One of my favorite movies, though it gets cheesy at the end, the rest of it was ...<made me happy>...
What was that one he played a Southern atty in...? I need to re-rent. I vaguely remember thinking it was good...a Gothic mystery...?
Plainoleme-- Thanks for responding! Can you remember which you didn't like? I'll have to admit, I've only seen a few of his. (But, they made quitre an impression. Maybe if I see the ones you're talking about, he will slip down into human status for me...<ha>
Materialgirl-- I agree! Did you see Emma in Angels in America...and that movie with her mother...(really liked her in that...what was it...Winter Guest or something. I thought that was not your run of the mill outing. Was she in that nutty movie with Jeff Goldblum...something about being too tall? (A hoot!!)
I'd like to point out my memory is completely gone.
material girl beat me to it: I was gonna mention DeNiro as Pupkin in "King of Comedy"--DeNiro as obsessive fan. One of his quirkier roles, for sure.
But, hands down my faves are "Mean Streets" and "Good Fellas".
I would have to agree on "Mean Streets" also at the top of the list.
That was the very first time that I recall seeing DeNiro. And, looking at his bio, I cannot believe that his first role after "Mean Streets" was the young Vito Corleone. I surely thought that he was more established by the time he did it but no. "Mean Streets" was 1973 and "The Godfather II" was 1974.
He did literally rocket into stardom. He put the space shuttle to shame.
While I really liked reading the novel Frankenstein, the movie Branaugh made of it was unwatchable, mostly because of his desire to be Orson Welles.
But, he's so cute...? And, a fabulous actor...?
Who? Branaugh? To be honest, I never got the big woo about him or his ex.
I liked the love scene in the movie Emma Thompson was in with that American actor (skinny guy formerly married to Gina Davis). They tore a room apart! It was wonderful!
I'm a big fan of Emma!
OK, sorry. Back to DeNiro.
Lash-The film was called The Tall Guy.Emma was a nurse and Jeff Goldblum was an actor.Its a late 80's fim directed by Mel Smith.I think its main soundtrack song was 'It must be Love' by Madness.
Emma was also outstanding in the multiple parts in "Angel in America" and especially The Angel even though Meryl Streep had the Emmy in the bag with her portrayal of Ethel Rosenberg and the disraught Mom who effectively changes her attitude towards homosexuality. But back to Robert.
The Tall Guy!!! I must see again..... (I LOVE Jeff Goldblum!!!)
Back to DeNiro...
Has anyone posted his entire filmography?