colorbook wrote:Ticomaya wrote:colorbook wrote:The lines at the U.S./Canada boarder will be even longer than before.
Don't you think they might actually get shorter since there is a uniform method of identification?
I believe that when the law is first implemented the lines will probably be very long...everyday at rush hour they are already too long.
Not everyone has to show I.D when they cross the boarder
customs picks and chooses whom they will stop. Although I have never been pulled over, I have been asked many times if I am a U.S. citizen and if I have anything to declare
I have never had to show my driver's license.
Remember, every licence plate on every vehicle is also photographed at the border. The know when that vehicle crossed the border, where, when etc. Unles you stole the vehicle, you are probably the owner.
They already have something in place for frequent crossings at the border. i.e. people living in Canada and working in the U.S., truckers etc. I forget what it is called, but you are checked out and then issued this particular pass....instant crossing at special gates.