"On average, men are better at gross motor skills requiring speed and force, from running and jumping to throwing objects (Fisher, 1992). Women on the other hand, average better "fine" motor coordination, manipulating tiny objects with ease (Fisher, 1992)."
So men and women both have good hand-eye coordination, just in different ways.
Percentage-wise, men and women are involved in the same amount of accidents. However, more men are killed because more of their accidents tend to be speed and/or alcohol related. From: Reports in pdf format.
I can't find any specific information about SUVs but I'm willing to bet that men and women are involved the same amount. Possibly more men simply because more men drive them. I hate SUVs. There full of blind spots and I think there is a 'I'm bigger so move!' mentality that takes over the people that drive them. I let them rear-end me anyway. I need a new car.
I have been in 4 total loss accidents, all the fault of the other driver, all 4 of them men. People just don't like to stop for red lights anymore. I've even had a man crunch my trunk , $1000 in damage, while the vehicle was parked in my driveway. Now that's just my experience, but I've had terrible luck with male drivers.
Honestly, I think that most people can't drive. Except me. I'm an excellent driver. :p