not a bad commute, is it?
A beautiful commute.
We've an excellent bike path, especially for such a small town, but no matter which way I go, I always end up where I started. What we need are paths that actually go somewhere.
Roger's New Toy
Giant touts it as a "Comfort Road Bike", and I love it. Well, okay, I rode it up one hill, and it is a bit short of horsepower, but they tell me it will imporve when I get it broke in. It was dark when I got it home, but did want to run it up and down the street. I fell off before I got off the gravel drive, but no damage to bike or rider.
looks too much like effort. How dya tie them shoelaces?
Thanks soz. I was ready for something better suited for street riding for a long time, but just couldn't get into those low down, scrunched handlebars. It was designed for me.
And farmerman, I don't have to tie my own laces. My boss is an engineer and loves to show off his technical expertise. Colorado School of Mines grads can do most anythng.
A hybrid? That's what my bike was classed as. Now, some day I'll get on my bike and ride it.
I know what you mean. Winter weather is rare in our little microclim, so I can ride almost everyday. I'm waiting on another half hour of daylight in the evening before riding to work though. Overall, our drivers are considerate of cyclists, but they just haven't trained themselves to see us.
Mmmm, I can see that being the case. I always got the feeling that all the drivers in santa fe were stoned. They just sort of mosied on and were often surprised by oddities.
Rog, those are some funky wheels you got there. I like, I like.
lk, dust off that belly dancing video, get thee in shape. For I'll be there soon, with my bike, (singin my bike, my bike, my lovely lady bike - like that black eyed peace song that i cannot shake for weeks now...) and we'll be doing some serious biking. right?
The weather here is perfect for riding. Too bad I spend the daylight hours cooped up at work. The weekends are the only time I get to ride. Otherwise, I'll get on the rollers for thirty minutes every once in a while when I kick myself in the ass to get up and actually do it. Riding on rollers has got to be the most mind numbing exercise ever invented. I also do squats with dumbbells to help maintain leg strength during the off-season.
Know what you mean, Blue. I get in about 25 minutes at lunch and after work for the same reason, but it doesn't make for the kind of laid back lunch I would like to become accustomed to.
Dag, I can't come close to keeping up with you on a bike (or in a ring, or at a bar, or on politics, or or or)
So, you're her ego boosting friend?
Hmmm... I dunno. Dag, am I? Nonono. It's true. The wman can commute 60 miles on bike and I would fall over after 6.
I kinda doubt it. Anyway, I fell over last night after 10 feet. BUT, I got back on before I lost my nerve.
I did. I did ride my bike today.
And how, you might ask, did I accomplish such a wonderous feat? Piece of cake, really. I took off the rack, lowered the seat some two or three inches, leaned the bike way over my way, and just (carefully) eased my right leg over the whole thing, and onto the ground on the right side. Then, since I've a ways to go before trying clipless, I raised the left pedal to 10:00 o'clock and took off. A bit wobbly till I got onto the seat, but after that, there was just nothing to it.
I tried it a couple of weekends in a row, but was too wobbly and afraid to fall, so this was my first ride since April 27 - a day that will live in infamy forever. My therapist told me my balance was plenty good enough, and the wobbles were probably coming from my unconscious mind, as a fear of another accident. My therapist, bless his heard, is a pretty serious cyclist. Much more so than I ever was. Anyway, like John Wayne might have said, it was good to be back in the saddle
For those that haven't followed along, April 27 was the day I ran over a car, and things haven't been the same since.