maporsche writes
Quote:You believe the doctors in this case, but not the Schiavo case?
The doctors in the Schiavo case did not say she was brain dead. Some diagnosed PVS. Others did not. Based on some doctor's opinion that she was capable of some responsiveness, based on her priest's testimony that she closed her eyes when he held her hand and prayed for her and then opened her eyes when he said Amen, based on her parents, siblings, and nurses' belief that she was capable of some degree of feeling and awareness, I think there is room for lots of questions. And I will never be convinced that she was 'allowed to die'. I will always believe she was intentionally killed and that she was killed in a most inhumane manner.
I don't know where the truth is regarding what Terri Schiavo could or could not feel, what she could or could not respond to. I do know that when there is question, if we err, we are well advised to err on the side of life. And Phoenix is right, these questions need to be dealt with now.