These horrific acts are not about removing threats, they about obliteration. I don’t know how it starts but the hated is fostered until it festers and then suddenly they give themselves permission to annihilate people. The members of the synagogue were not a mob breaking into his house, he purposely strode into a house of worship for the sole purpose of killing as many people as possible. His twisted hatred even gave him permission to attempt to kill the people who came to protect the congregants. How dare they stop him.
Earlier this week we saw 14 pipe bombs delivered to the leaders in the Democrat Party, contributors to the Democrats, the former head of the CIA and the Former DCI,,,,,,,,and yet there are people in this country who dismiss it as just a scare tactic, after all, the bombs didn’t explode did they? We are at the point where as long as murder isn’t directed at us it’s not really anything to get riled up about.
If we continue to ignore the outrageously heated rhetoric as if it’s business as usual, more innocent people are going to die. The Alex Jones folks, Lou Dobson, Rush Limbaugh and others so called leaders are claiming a false flag....this dreadful murder of mostly elderly people is being modified as avoidable if only the octogenarians were packing heat. It’s outrageous, it can’t go on, it has to stop and for pity’s sake. WHY ISNT EVERYONE OUTRAGED??