Speaking as a person who grew up Lutheran, I was taught that the Bible must be interpreted, as Catholics believe. Therefore it was understood that the Bible is not god's literal word, but that we must use reason to determine what god may have wanted. Of course, once Martin Luther did this the first time, people went right back to swallowing whatever garbage ML threw at them.
I wonder if that frustrated him. He advocates knowing God without any intermediaries, thinking on our own etc., and so people worship him and create a religion based on what he says is right. I know I would be pretty perturbed.
I didn't mean to pick on one clergyman in particular, just as an example. A healthy distrust of anyone who passes a collection plate is a good first step in finding the truth.
Are you dissing the salvos?
neologist wrote:I didn't mean to pick on one clergyman in particular, just as an example. A healthy distrust of anyone who passes a collection plate is a good first step in finding the truth.
Yeah, like when you get a carwash, and they only ask for "donations." I'm not sure what they are up to, but it can't be good. :wink:
Kidding aside, I agree we should all be generally distrustful of others. It is impossible to know the motives of others, especially those who tell us exactly what we want to hear.
SCoates wrote:ben_dover wrote:i think people that try to force their religon on others are not certain what to believe and are just trying to get someone else to believe what they do so they dont feel stupid
That's a ridiculous shot in the dark.
The reason they share there beliefs are the same reason you're sharing your opinions on the matter. When people have opinions, with which others disagree, they share them.
Sometimes angrily, sometimes not. Sometimes forcibly, sometimes not. It's that simple.
It would make as much sense if I said the reason you are expressing your opinion right now is because you're not sure what to believe, and you want to get others to believe you so you don't feel stupid.
There's no logical backing. It is just an interesting possibility.
There must be some particular reason why Jehova's witnesses and Mormons come visiting me here in Spain, thousands of miles from their homeland the US, trying to convince me of their funny ideas. No scientist or atheist or agnostic has ever come knocking on my door on Sunday morning, not even the ones living across the road. I think that deep in their hearts they know there's something fishy about their ideas and they simply have to proselytize to repress their own doubts. It has also something to do with the pyramidal structure of many religions; all these zealous superstition propagators fit in some strict hierarchy and they have to spread the word in order to ascend in a social structure. They function in spiritual Ponzi schemes in which the only way to thrive is to get respect from newfound addicts.
If you knew the apartment building was on fire, would you not knock on everyones's door and tell them to get out? And if you were the 'knockee', would you just roll over and go back to bed, or would you at least check to see if there was some truth coming from the 'knocker'?
I'm not saying you should fall for every alarm; but not all of them should be discounted. Somebody might just have the truth.
And you have to use your best judgement, logic and evidence to decide who might be telling the truth.
Ergo, I choose atheism.
Athiesm is a more logical choice than organized religion, but not necessarily the correct choice.
Agreed. But I can only work with the tools I've got.
Besides - if you don't need religion, why search for it?
inyen wrote
Quote:: There must be some particular reason why Jehova's witnesses and Mormons come visiting me here in Spain
God charged them with the job of spreading his word to everyone everywhere. How can they not at least try? They are simply taking a more active approach to same task all christians have been given.
Eorl wrote:God charged them with the job of spreading his word to everyone everywhere. How can they not at least try? They are simply taking a more active approach to same task all christians have been given.
True, see Matthew 28: 19,20.
...and they've tried with me a couple of times, I've even invited them in...
...but after about 20 minutes of
me trying to convert
them to atheism and they can't wait to get outta there !!
Convert to catholocism
I want to join a church. my husband was raised catholic and I want our son to know a religion. I was raised presbyterian/methodist/religious science/ unitarian/ u name it. I believe in god, but not that he would be so naive to put just one son on this earth. My sister converts to judaism in 2 weeks. I am so confused what direction to give my child, as I want him to have more religious direction that I did/ did not have. where do I go? I cannot be the spiritual guide for my son beside my own belief that there is a benevolent God, who is much smarter than us. Life is so much more complicated than it was when I was growing up, I think he needs a faith, but I don't know where to begin. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Re: Convert to catholocism
mikarian wrote:Help.
I want to join a church. my husband was raised catholic and I want our son to know a religion. I was raised presbyterian/methodist/religious science/ unitarian/ u name it. I believe in god, but not that he would be so naive to put just one son on this earth. My sister converts to judaism in 2 weeks. I am so confused what direction to give my child, as I want him to have more religious direction that I did/ did not have. where do I go? I cannot be the spiritual guide for my son beside my own belief that there is a benevolent God, who is much smarter than us. Life is so much more complicated than it was when I was growing up, I think he needs a faith, but I don't know where to begin. Any ideas would be appreciated.
I'm sure you will find a cornucopia of ideas here. Keep this one thing in mind . "By this," Jesus said, "all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves."(John 13:35)
....Go to page 6 of this thread, at the bottom post you'll see an idea for a religion, by fab617 ( a temporary moniker ) Tell me if you see anything wrong with the religion. I avoid conventional western religions because I'm not a violent person. Christians, muslims, and Jews, throughout history, and now make the Crips and Bloods, look like a High school debating team.
Eorl wrote:...and they've tried with me a couple of times, I've even invited them in...
...but after about 20 minutes of
me trying to convert
them to atheism and they can't wait to get outta there !!

I am reminded of a quote from an anabaptist publication,
Careless by Necessity. I dont know the author: "They are less injurious to God who believe that He is not, than they which say that He is unmerciful, cruel, and an oppressor."
booman2 wrote:My Babe-John Lee Hooker
The Music Nazi is watching you very carefully Boo.