God does not reside in the religion, although the religion might help you to realize that divinity. Every aspect of life - politics, economics, religion, art, culture, science, education - can be lived in such a way that what we call God can be known and expressed. The divine becomes a moment-to-moment experience. That is in fact what it is. It is not a man with a beard sitting up in the sky watching that you are not stealing, lying, or cheating. It is inside you; it is your sense of the divine inside that gradually changes you from lying, cheating, and stealing to not doing these things. Not because somebody is telling you that it is bad, but because you instinctively know that that is not the right way to live with your fellow human beings.
Whatever injures or harms another person is intuitively, instinctively, wrong. A change in behaviour comes about by self-observation and self-determination. These things fall away as you become more aware of, and imbued with, the quality of the soul. That will happen on a wider and wider scale as humanity ceases to compete and learns to cooperate - in the family, in the community, nationally and internationally