Reply Thu 16 Jun, 2005 11:26 am
real life wrote:
Is it all wars that you have a problem with, or just the one described in this passage of the Old Testament that Boo refers to?

I have a problem with brutal wars of conquest, the only purpose of which is to enrich one people at the expense of another, and it is to that which Boo referred--the slaughter of the Canaanites to the benefit of the Hebrew tribes.

Are you prepared to argue that there is never any circumstance under which nations should take up arms (i.e. no self defense, i.e. no rationale for abolition of tyranny, etc) ?

This is not germane to the destruction of the Canaanites by the Hebrews for selfish reasons. I am prepared to answer it, however. Certainly it is reasonable to take up arms in one's own defense, and your haughty tone is unwarranted--nothing i've written suggests that i condemn defensive warfare; i applaud the Canaanites for taking up arms to defend themselves against the murderous and avaricious Hebrews. I consider that there is absolutely no justification for war based on an allegation that one will abolish tyranny, if one cannot show that said tyranny threatens oneself. Sorry, but you're not going to get me to sign on to the Shrub's dirty little war in Iraq.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Jun, 2005 11:33 am
Then let's all have pizza!http://web4.ehost-services.com/el2ton1/pizza.gif

Well, maybe not. Embarrassed

Edited for premature celebration
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 16 Jun, 2005 12:00 pm
Me neither.

0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 16 Jun, 2005 02:43 pm
Setanta wrote:
real life wrote:
Is it all wars that you have a problem with, or just the one described in this passage of the Old Testament that Boo refers to?

I have a problem with brutal wars of conquest, the only purpose of which is to enrich one people at the expense of another, and it is to that which Boo referred--the slaughter of the Canaanites to the benefit of the Hebrew tribes.

Are you prepared to argue that there is never any circumstance under which nations should take up arms (i.e. no self defense, i.e. no rationale for abolition of tyranny, etc) ?

This is not germane to the destruction of the Canaanites by the Hebrews for selfish reasons. I am prepared to answer it, however. Certainly it is reasonable to take up arms in one's own defense, and your haughty tone is unwarranted--nothing i've written suggests that i condemn defensive warfare; i applaud the Canaanites for taking up arms to defend themselves against the murderous and avaricious Hebrews. I consider that there is absolutely no justification for war based on an allegation that one will abolish tyranny, if one cannot show that said tyranny threatens oneself. Sorry, but you're not going to get me to sign on to the Shrub's dirty little war in Iraq.

Actually it is very relevant.

So apparently you do not support actions in which a nation might defend another nation (not itself) that is small and weak and unable to overcome an aggressor.

So I guess in addition to the current war in Iraq, you opposed with equal volume Clinton's war in Bosnia. Just to be consistent, right?

Also you probably oppose (not in person, due to age, but in principle) America's involvement in the European theater in WWII since Hitler actually posed little threat to the USA.

Back to the relevant point where this war in Canaan took place. Describe Canaanite society as the Hebrews found it when they entered the land west of Jordan. Do you have any idea what it was like? Can you detail the child prostitution that was part of temple worship of the Canaanite fertility gods? How about the child sacrifice that was routine?

Can we hear you sing "Let It Be" or "Give Peace a Chance" as part of your response?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Jun, 2005 06:39 pm
real life wrote:
Actually it is very relevant.

No, it is not relevant at all, in that the topic here is why people try to force their religion on others. It has come to this pass because people in this thread have touted the loving character of the Judeo-christian tradition, and than raise petty quibbles when well-grounded criticism is made of that superstitious tradition.

So apparently you do not support actions in which a nation might defend another nation (not itself) that is small and weak and unable to overcome an aggressor.

That is not at all apparent, just convenient to the snotty, holier than thou tone you wish to take. Whether or not i would support such an action would depend upon the specific circumstances of the situation--but largely, my answer would be no, i would not support war on such a basis, with the exception of war undertaken by a significant international coalition of nations, the majority of whom were not seeking to profit from the wealth of my homeland.

So I guess in addition to the current war in Iraq, you opposed with equal volume Clinton's war in Bosnia. Just to be consistent, right?

I refer you to Mr. Emerson's remark in the essay Self Reliance, to the effect that a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of a petty mind. Intellectual consistency is not axiomatically a virtue, especially inasmuch as important details of differences in situations are commonly glossed over by those whose oversimplified description of events serves their rhetorical purposes while doing a disservice to truth.

The war in the Balkans is an excellent case in point. In comparing it to Iraq, Serbia was a dangerous polity on the European continent. Iraq had attacked the Persians, with the encouragement and support of a venal and cynical Reagan administration, and lost heavily to no purpose--they stood down. Arrogant and convinced (reasonably so) of the spinelessness of the elder Bush administration, and especially after the appointment of a woman as ambassador to Iraq, the Ba'atist undertook the invasion of Kuwait--and lost very heavily. They did not ever again threaten, even rhetorically their neighbors.

Serbia, on the other hand, invaded Slovenia, they invaded Croatia, they stationed troops on the Macedonian border, they sent thugs and right-wing death squads into Kosovo, Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina. They bankrolled ethnic Serb militias in all of the aforementioned regions. In less than 15 years of the beginning of the twentieth century, Serbia was at the center of three Balkan wars, the third of which exploded into the Great War, taking the lives of tens of millions of Europeans. The Serbs had a proven track record of creating murderous instability in their region dating back to 1878. Their leadership were openly in support of the ethnic militias waging war in the other states of what was once Yugoslavia, and openly financed and supported right-wing death squads, in particular the "Tigers." When the United States acted, they acted in the context of a European coalition which provided substantial support and made substantial contributions of troops and equipment, and did so without being bought off by the United States. When the United States military acted, they acted on the Powell doctrine of the use of overwhelming force, and they brought enough players to the party to ensure the settlement. Thousands of Americans have not and will not die in the Balkans. The situation was not at all analogous to Iraq.

Had i had the authority at the time, however, i personally would have let the European bastards reap the consequences of their own inaction. I'd have left them to stew in their own mess.

Also you probably oppose (not in person, due to age, but in principle) America's involvement in the European theater in WWII since Hitler actually posed little threat to the USA.

I do consider that far too many resources were taken from Kimmel prior to the Japanese attack for deployment in the Atlantic. After the Japanese attack, the reverse was true, and far too many naval resources were taken from the Atlantic, a crucial theater, to be sent to the Pacific. I see that you either choose to ignore, or are ignorant of, the fact that Germany declared war on the United States. Either you choose to ignore or are ignorant of the fact that within days of this declaration, German submarines began to sink American shipping within sight of our shores.

Spare me your moral indignation, your ignorance not simply of history but of current events occuring in your own lifetime is too profound to support your silly argument.

Back to the relevant point where this war in Canaan took place. Describe Canaanite society as the Hebrews found it when they entered the land west of Jordan. Do you have any idea what it was like? Can you detail the child prostitution that was part of temple worship of the Canaanite fertility gods? How about the child sacrifice that was routine?

Leave aside the fact that the only evidence for such specious contentions about the Canaanites is the propaganda of Hebrew scripture, a highly unreliable source, and let's examine the "virtue" of those Hebrews. Abraham claims to hear voices from the heavens and is prepared to slit his own son's throat at the behest of these alleged voices. In our society, he'd be locked up in a heartbeat, a response i would heartily endorse. Lot is visited by someone he claims is an angel, while living in a walled city in dangerous times, and when his neighbors reasonably complain of it and want to see and interview his visitor, he pushes one of his daughters out the door to appease the crowd--the obvious assumption is that the crowd would have their way with the child, and forget the visitor. Then, for the crime of having been allegedly rude to an ostensible angel, the lord of hosts visits a firey destruction on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (even the Jews were embarrassed by the transparent injustice of this, and long after the fact, began making up stories of the iniquity of the residents of those cities to justify the otherwise unjustifiable--Genesis shows no other reason for the destruction of those cities). Homeless and wandering, Lot seeks shelter in a cave, where we are expected to believe that his daughters of their own initiative had sexual relations with him while he slept, he remaining all the while unaware. The catalogue of horrors visited on the neighbors of the Jews who were not their co-religionists is very long indeed.

Can we hear you sing "Let It Be" or "Give Peace a Chance" as part of your response?

This attempt at sarcasm is as feeble and witless as your defense of a thoroughly despicable religious tradition. You don't even rate a nice try for this horseshit.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 16 Jun, 2005 10:14 pm
Setanta wrote:
real life wrote:
So apparently you do not support actions in which a nation might defend another nation (not itself) that is small and weak and unable to overcome an aggressor.

That is not at all apparent, just convenient to the snotty, holier than thou tone you wish to take. Whether or not i would support such an action would depend upon the specific circumstances of the situation--but largely, my answer would be no, i would not support war on such a basis, with the exception of war undertaken by a significant international coalition of nations, the majority of whom were not seeking to profit from the wealth of my homeland.

I see. We should only do what's right if we can get a bunch of other nations to agree first . ( The poor nation that was attacked might be toast by then, but no matter. It is harmony that counts.)

So if you are on the street and a thug attacks a rich old lady, do you:

a) Stay put, because heaven forbid that anyone think you are actually after the lady's riches for yourself

b) Quickly seek out allies from the neighboring homes and businesses, explaining the rightness of your cause.

c) Take your risk defending the life of someone who cannot defend herself.

Now I don't want to force MY idea of right and wrong on you, so feel free to think about this as long as you need to , so that you feel absolutely unpressured to take any course of action other than what your superior wisdom would dictate. (But can you hurry? She's bleeding badly.)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Jun, 2005 10:50 pm
real life wrote:
I see.

No, you don't see. In fact, you refuse to see. You only wish to make an attempt to twist what i've written to support your christian and right-wing political agendae. You do reveal more and more of your political point of view, however, with each post.

We should only do what's right if we can get a bunch of other nations to agree first . ( The poor nation that was attacked might be toast by then, but no matter. It is harmony that counts.)

A "bunch," usually implying in American usage quite a few, would not be necessary. Only a significant proportion of those nations most narrowly concerned who have a good military contribution to make on their own. The attack on Serbia as a result of their atrocious behavior in Kosovo is a case in point. The Serbs had attacked Slovenia, but with the declaration of independence of Croatia, the Slovenes were geographically safe. So the Serbs attacked Croatia, which was militarily capable of defending itself, so the Serbs got their butts kicked. So they attacked Bosnia by proxy through their ethnic minority there. Europe and the U.N. decided to act, and then did f*ck-all to improve the situation.

When the United States decided to take action, they did so within the frame-work of a carefully constructed coalition which made European governments as responsible as we were. This is absolutely essential for reasons of international diplomacy, about which i suspect you don't give a rat's ass. Had we gone it alone, we would have had an enormous increase in cost, and might well have found it logistically impossible to proceed. You are either naive about how military operations at long range are conducted, or you are willfully playing fast and loose with the truth. I suspect the latter, because of your snotty and holier-than-thou tone.

When England entered the European war in 1914, it was only after the Germans had invaded Belgium. They were not going to get involved before such an event, and with damned good reason. When they did act, the best they could do was to slow the advance of the Germans so that Franchet-d'Esperey could react with French troops, and so that King Albert could pull together his forces and retreat to the tiny corner of Belgium which was all he could salvage at the time. Do you suggest that they ought not to have bothered because Belgium "was toast" by the time they got there? Such a dull-witted and unrealistic attitude.

When Germany overran Holland in 1940, not an army in the world could have responded in time to stop them. Do you suggest that no one should have thereafter attempted to liberate Holland, and eventually drive the Germans back into Germany? Damned good thing for Europe that someone with your clueless outlook was not making decisions during two world wars.

Coalition warfare is often essential for logistical reasons, and manpower reasons, quite apart from issues of diplomacy. If you go it alone, if you can, you leave yourself wide open to a reasonable charge of imperialist conquest, and you likely use so much of your resources that you weaken yourself everywhere else. The failure of coalition warfare allowed Sparta to defeat Athens in the second Peloponnesian war. Athens lorded it over and oppressed precisely those states which might have been her allies. She became the state everyone loved to hate, and no tears were shed when she went down to defeat by the right-wing slave state at Sparta.

The Greek states failed to defend themselves against the invasion of Phillip of Macedon because coalition warfare did not work. Phillip welded the Greek states together with Macedon, and the resulting coalition allowed his sociopathic son Alexander to conquer Persia and a great deal more. The failure to form a cohesive coalition in Etruria against the Romans lead to the defeat and conquest of the Tuscans by Rome. Rome then picked off her neighbors in an ever widening circle because they would not unite to oppose her.

The failure of the Seljuk Turks to form a effective coalition allowed a handful of Frankish crusaders to take large tracts of the middle east. The success at creating that coalition of the brilliant Kurd general Ayyub, and his even more brilliant nephew, Yousuf (known to the West as Saladin), allowed the Turks to take Jerusalem back from the Crusaders. The failure of Richard Coeur de Lion to maintain an effective coalition prevented him from taking Jerusalem again.

I can go on for pages and pages and pages: The Swedes, French and German Protestants against the Imperial forces; William of Orange and his coalition against Louis XIV; the coalition of Marlborough in the War of the Spanish succession . . . the examples are far too numerous for this space. As you have demonstrated so often, you know little to nothing of history, but that does not stop you from having a loudly-voiced, snotty and ignorant opinion to attempt to ram down other peoples' throats.

So if you are on the street and a thug attacks a rich old lady, do you:

a) Stay put, because heaven forbid that anyone think you are actually after the lady's riches for yourself

b) Quickly seek out allies from the neighboring homes and businesses, explaining the rightness of your cause.

c) Take your risk defending the life of someone who cannot defend herself.

This analogy is crap and you know it. If there were a gang of such thugs routinely terrorizing a neighborhood, and no police, then the very likely result would be that the members of the community would band together to end the problem--but not before several individuals had suffered.

Now I don't want to force MY idea of right and wrong on you, so feel free to think about this as long as you need to , so that you feel absolutely unpressured to take any course of action other than what your superior wisdom would dictate. (But can you hurry? She's bleeding badly.)

That's horseshit, trying to force your feeble-minded, self-righteous notions of right and wrong onto others is exactly what you are up to. I've not claimed to possess a superior wisdom, but it isn't hard to come up with far more sensible statements than the tripe you peddle here.

But, finally you are on topic, because forcing your beliefs onto others is exactly what you are up to, and that is the topic of this thread.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2005 12:12 am
Setanta wrote:
real life wrote:
So if you are on the street and a thug attacks a rich old lady, do you:

a) Stay put, because heaven forbid that anyone think you are actually after the lady's riches for yourself

b) Quickly seek out allies from the neighboring homes and businesses, explaining the rightness of your cause.

c) Take your risk defending the life of someone who cannot defend herself.

This analogy is crap and you know it. If there were a gang of such thugs routinely terrorizing a neighborhood, and no police, then the very likely result would be that the members of the community would band together to end the problem--but not before several individuals had suffered.

Didn't say gang of thugs. I made it easy for you. There's one of him and one of you.

Didn't say the action routinely happened, but you are there and it is happening now. What do YOU do?

Have you chosen b) as your solution: to form a group of community members to address the "problem" ?

Don't bother with your meeting together. By the time you got around to it, the "problem" is gone. They had to bury her.


( They also had to dig mass graves in Iraq while your eyes were closed. Try googling "mass graves Iraq" .)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2005 03:04 am
real life wrote:
Didn't say gang of thugs. I made it easy for you. There's one of him and one of you.

No, that was to make it easy for you--and that is why the analogy is crap. The situation of a nation under attack in another part of the world and that of a mugging victim on the street are not analogous. It makes it easy for you because you can reduce your hypothetical about the response of a nation to an example of international agression--a complex situation for which the antecedants and the antidotes are not necessarily immediately obvious--to a simple-minded situation. You get to make it seem that there is a simple moral choice in the world of international diplomacy and military action equivalent to the simple choice of dealing with violence on the street occuring before one's eyes. I know that the reduction of moral choices to such simplistic (and simple-minded) analogy appeals to the fantatical christian, but it is just not a realistic means of viewing the complexity of the lives and actions of entire nations. If you are intelligent, a thesis for which i currently have no evidence, then you will have attempted this analogy to avoid the complexity of the international issue, about which you cannot as readily make such pompous, self-righteous and self-congratulatory remarks.

Didn't say the action routinely happened, but you are there and it is happening now. What do YOU do?

It is immaterial "what you have said," because it is not an analogous situation, and i refused to be drawn by your simple-minded attempt to make complex situations of international relations seem to be simple black and white moral choices. Something which is never true.

Have you chosen b) as your solution: to form a group of community members to address the "problem" ?

Don't bother with your meeting together. By the time you got around to it, the "problem" is gone. They had to bury her.

( They also had to dig mass graves in Iraq while your eyes were closed. Try googling "mass graves Iraq" .)

The rest of this is just self-serving, pharisaical horseshit. I note that you have side-stepped my comments on Belgium in 1914 and Holland in 1940. Do you seriously expect me to believe that you were crying over the deaths of Iraqis before the Shrub and his Forty Theives cranked up their propaganda machine to come up with a line which would cover their asses for their failure to find weapons of mass destruction and proof of an al Qaeda link? I'm not that stupid--i don't buy it at all.

Try baiting someone else with your simple-minded attempts to compare Iraq by analogy to a mugging on the street. Here you're not dealing with the sorts of pea-wits who admire the Shrub, and this variety of horsie poop gets exactly the attention it merits--none.
0 Replies
shiyacic aleksandar
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2005 03:59 am
Reading newspapers,or historical books do not make a man omniscient.
True knowledge is given to a man with a pure heart and love for the whole creation.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2005 04:03 am
It's a lovely morning here, Jesus, i hope you're well and enjoying your day.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2005 09:10 am
shiyacic aleksandar wrote:
Reading newspapers,or historical books do not make a man omniscient.
True knowledge is given to a man with a pure heart and love for the whole creation.
While he sleeps, no doubt.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2005 09:24 am
Setanta wrote:
You get to make it seem that there is a simple moral choice in the world of international diplomacy and military action equivalent to the simple choice of dealing with violence on the street occuring before one's eyes.

Yes international diplomacy and war are complex matters. And that is my point.

Even when the choice was made very simple you had to hedge and said you would need to consult with your peers in the community before taking any action -- even if it meant that people suffered as a result of your inaction.

How can we trust your judgement on more complex matters when even the simplest choices seem to befuddle you?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2005 09:34 am
Well, I suppose we should be happy that Setanta is not a politician? What about you, real life? Do you find any war righteous enough that you might bless the cannons and tanks, asking God's support for the war effort?
0 Replies
real life
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2005 11:10 am
neologist wrote:
Well, I suppose we should be happy that Setanta is not a politician? What about you, real life? Do you find any war righteous enough that you might bless the cannons and tanks, asking God's support for the war effort?

Actually he might have a very prominent career awaiting him in politics, since he might be able to say with a straight face that he voted for the war before he voted against it ( at least some war in the future, probably not this one ).

If it is not apparent from my posts ( I'm sure to you it is, but you asked for the benefit of others ) , yes there are certainly circumstances where it is not only the right, but the moral obligation of nations and peoples to take up arms if necessary to defend themselves or others, or to (attempt to ) stop tyranny.

I do not believe that there must be a good result guaranteed before the effort is undertaken, because that would mean it is never undertaken. What man can guarantee the future?

Will all such efforts be taken up only with sterling motives? Not as long as sinful men are involved. So again, there is no scenario where everybody's hat on one side is perfectly white and everybody's on the other side is perfectly black. That's Hollywood stuff.

Should this paralyze us into inaction ? No.

(But I'm not a big believer in blessing inanimate objects, however. I believe in asking God's wisdom and guidance for human beings.)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2005 01:22 pm
real life wrote:

Even when the choice was made very simple you had to hedge and said you would need to consult with your peers in the community before taking any action -- even if it meant that people suffered as a result of your inaction.

This is an outright lie--one of many to which you have resorted. I said nothing of the kind. I refused to be drawn by your idiotic attempt to equate a street mugging to a military invasion.

How can we trust your judgement on more complex matters when even the simplest choices seem to befuddle you?

I did not hedge on the "choice" you presented, i ignored it, told you i would ignore it, told you it was not relevant. Not on the best day of your pathetic intellectual life will you be able to befuddle me. I refused to be drawn by your simple-minded attempts to equate a street mugging to international politics, and your only response is to attempt to claim that this befuddled me. You've got a long way to go before you can befuddle me, or even a reasonably intelligent high school student, with such simple-minded rhetorical tricks. You wouldn't make the cut on a decent high school debating team with schlock like that.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2005 08:49 pm
real life wrote:
(But I'm not a big believer in blessing inanimate objects, however. I believe in asking God's wisdom and guidance for human beings.)
But,after that, it's OK to blow away the krauts, nips, klingons and remans, right? I left out romulans, cause I'm kind of scared here.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2005 11:16 pm
Didn't know you were Romulan. Let's see your ears.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2005 11:23 pm
Actually, I'm uglier than this: http://www.able2know.com/forums/images/avatars/9024191534299bd0d29841.gif
0 Replies
real life
Reply Fri 17 Jun, 2005 11:37 pm
Ha. Good pic. Must have been from your younger years. Is it still on your interstellar drivers license?

Back to the thread. As I said, yes there is justification for nations or peoples taking up arms in war. War is always the last resort, but a legitimate option. It is not something that we eagerly look for, but we do not avoid if it is our duty.

We have been in a major discussion of the American civil war, so it is not just krauts, nips, etc that we are talking about. Sometimes it is our neighbor close by. As in next door.
0 Replies

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