Tue 2 Oct, 2018 01:35 pm
For the record, I also had the username angel23 and dark_angel1720. The past several years had been quite a journey. After leaving McDonald's in 2010, I've went on work for a company contracted to give out free food at Sam's Club and I've worked for them a total of 5.5 years. I've also picked up a 2nd job at Arby's where I got canned after 2.5 years (see dark_angel1720) in October of last year. I left Sam's Club back at end of June and am now back at McDonald's. It's the SAME franchise but different store. Although I didn't know it back then, the nicest thing my supervisor did for me was make me quit McDonald's (instead of canning me) and listing me as rehirable. I acted stupid back then over a stupid reason (someone didn't personally like me.) Now I could care less if any given person like me or not.
And there are 3 people who don't like me, one intensely. I get along with the rest of them fine and among these people, I even have a some work friends. Among the few who don't like me, I just don't care. I just keep my distance. But really, the things that always tripped me up at work are stalking, anger and emotional outbursts, and screwing/joking around inappropriately. I always had perfect attendance, worked really hard, and were good with customers.
How are Y'all doing? It's been years since I've logged on. Has anything changed with Y'all?
As of right now, I'm antagonised by my inability to know if magic is deliberately not letting me know if I already exist in the world of Annabelle Creation