Has the Schiavo case Become a Political Football?

cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 03:02 pm
Polls are fickle things; we really don't know the underlying motivation for people's response to polls.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 03:07 pm
I think the American population, when not scared spitless about war or terrorism, will only put up with so much crap from its elected officials without standing up demanding they pull back on the reins a little bit. So ironically, the more safe we're made to feel the more free to examine criticize and hold accountable we are.

I would venture to guess that's a universal concept.

That's why power hungry despots no matter where they hail from use the tried and true strategy of keeping us at war or on the edge of one or more at all times. A control issue.

In my humble opinion.
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Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 03:11 pm
nimh wrote:
Dookiestix wrote:
JustWonders wrote:
The majority of people will not vote on this issue. Think "Elian Gonzalez".

Was Elian Gonzalez braindead? And last I looked, he seems rather happy being back with his father and family. All in all, a happy ending (IMO).

I think JW's point was that just like in the Elian case, there is only a minority that agrees with the strident attempts at political intervention - but it agrees very intensely and might even let their next vote depend on it, while the majority that disagrees with it is likely to have forgotten most about it by the time of the next vote. I think that's probably correct.

The Elian case and the Terri Shiavo case have many things not in common, including a plethora of contradictions, but with the exception of one thing; both were politically used by Republicans in maintaining their constituencies.

Republicans were just as worried about the Cuban vote in Florida back then as they are about the Christian fundamentalist vote today.

Republicans were adamently AGAINST government intrusion in the Elian Gonzales case back then (Janet Reno whisking Elian away), and yet have been adamently FOR government intrusion in the Terri Shaivo case.

Elian Gonzales was trying to FLEE Cuba, and witnessed the death of his relatives and his mother at sea. His father, who dearly loves him, deserved to have his own flesh and blood back in his own hands. It was about family unity and love. And Elian was a perfectly healthy child.

Terri Shiavo is an America citizen, who is also in Florida during this crisis, and has been pretty much braindead for the last 15 years, as there has not been ANY electrical activity to indicate a concious mind. As history had shown us (refer to Dr. Frist's experience as a cardiovascular expert), most individuals in these conditions deal with these matters PRIVATELY.

The differences between these two are stunning. The only similarity is the political pandering from the Republicans who desperately need these votes to maintain power.

I wholeheartedly agreed with Janet Reno's decision to return Elian to his rightful guardian, his father, who dearly loves him.

I completely disagree with the sick power grab by DeLay, Frist, and the rest of the neoconservative renegades who desperately need the Christian Fundamentalist vote to maintain power. It is all about politics. And they have used poor Terri Shiavo, her husband, and her family, as meaningless pawns in their continued power grab.

It is so purely sick and disgusting, watching Tom DeLay pretend like he cares. What a sick bastard that former exterminator has turned out to be. Dr. Frist should be utterly ashamed of himself.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 03:13 pm
Dookies, Look at the bright side; aren't you glad Dr Frist is not your physician? I am. LOL
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Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 03:15 pm
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
I think the American population, when not scared spitless about war or terrorism, will only put up with so much crap from its elected officials without standing up demanding they pull back on the reins a little bit. So ironically, the more safe we're made to feel the more free to examine criticize and hold accountable we are.

I would venture to guess that's a universal concept.

That's why power hungry despots no matter where they hail from use the tried and true strategy of keeping us at war or on the edge of one or more at all times. A control issue.

In my humble opinion.

Totally accurate on that assessment, blueveinedthrobber. It makes one wonder what terrorist attack could be on the horizon, or whether or not we'll be returning to color coded alerts on a semi-daily basis.

Remember that line from Star Wars?:

"Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battlestation."
Peter Cushing

That line rings so true regarding the neoconservatives usurption of power.
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Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 03:17 pm
parados wrote:
It's a horrible, I know, but this whole issue makes me wish Terri would hurry up and die so we can all get on with our lives and get back to what is important.

Like the Michael Jackson trial.

If one post really says it all, this is it. You have just confirmed my belief that I am on the right side.
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Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 03:18 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Dookies, Look at the bright side; aren't you glad Dr Frist is not your physician? I am. LOL

I'd be much happier if he wasn't majority leader (or congressman for that matter).

Besides, I tend to refer to the experts when it comes to my medical needs....
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Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 03:19 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
parados wrote:
It's a horrible, I know, but this whole issue makes me wish Terri would hurry up and die so we can all get on with our lives and get back to what is important.

Like the Michael Jackson trial.

If one post really says it all, this is it. You have just confirmed my belief that I am on the right side.

Geez, Brandon, is your skull really that thick?
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Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 03:31 pm
Dookiestix wrote:
The Elian case and the Terri Shiavo case have many things not in common, including a plethora of contradictions, but with the exception of one thing; both were politically used by Republicans in maintaining their constituencies.

Republicans were just as worried about the Cuban vote in Florida back then as they are about the Christian fundamentalist vote today.

Republicans were adamently AGAINST government intrusion in the Elian Gonzales case back then (Janet Reno whisking Elian away), and yet have been adamently FOR government intrusion in the Terri Shaivo case.

Elian Gonzales was trying to FLEE Cuba, and witnessed the death of his relatives and his mother at sea. His father, who dearly loves him, deserved to have his own flesh and blood back in his own hands. It was about family unity and love. And Elian was a perfectly healthy child.

Terri Shiavo is an America citizen, who is also in Florida during this crisis, and has been pretty much braindead for the last 15 years, as there has not been ANY electrical activity to indicate a concious mind. As history had shown us (refer to Dr. Frist's experience as a cardiovascular expert), most individuals in these conditions deal with these matters PRIVATELY.

The differences between these two are stunning. The only similarity is the political pandering from the Republicans who desperately need these votes to maintain power.

I wholeheartedly agreed with Janet Reno's decision to return Elian to his rightful guardian, his father, who dearly loves him.

I completely disagree with the sick power grab by DeLay, Frist, and the rest of the neoconservative renegades who desperately need the Christian Fundamentalist vote to maintain power. It is all about politics. And they have used poor Terri Shiavo, her husband, and her family, as meaningless pawns in their continued power grab.

It is so purely sick and disgusting, watching Tom DeLay pretend like he cares. What a sick bastard that former exterminator has turned out to be. Dr. Frist should be utterly ashamed of himself.

Dookie, you could have spared yourself a lot of effort on that post. Nobody here said the Schiavo case was like the Elian case, except for in the one regard: that the majority of people will not vote on this issue. Only the minority that actually agreed with the politicking about it might. Pretty much what you confirmed yourself in your second paragraph here.

No other comparison or equation between the two cases was ever asserted, so I'm not sure what or whom the rest of your post is addressed to.
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Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 03:32 pm
This pretty much explains it all. It explains why the neoconservative lunatics have allowed this to unravel, and why the Democrats have gladly stayed out of the way to allow the American people to witness the extremism coming from the Republican Party. What better way then to just allow one side to completely expose itself:

That line from Red October is running through my head again: "This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we will be lucky to live through it."

Why? Because the Republicans are still counting fundie votes. They think they can control this, that nothing will happen and the base will be excited. But most of the base is revolted. They are horrifed at the sanctimony and the increasing rhetoric from people who should know better. Ignore judges? Kidnap a dying woman? Are they kidding?

Why is this happening? Because they thought it would be a gimmie. That the only people who would care is the radical right and their foot soldiers. They could get their way and trap the Dems in the process. But now, the Dems stepped out of the way and let the GOP take every bit of heat for this. You have the spectacle of Randall Terry, hasbeen, making demands on Jeb Bush, who meekly says "I can't go beyond my powers."

Bush and Bush seem to be puppets of the fringe elements, a group who would let their kids get arrested, which horrifies most people. All that political capital has been squandered, as Jim Wolcott said, on a Sunday flight from Crawford.

But Bush has never spread political risk. He has always heaped it on and expected to be rewarded in the end. There has never been a downside for this. But there is now. If Judge Greer or Michael Schiavo is harmed in any way, that turd is going to land right on the doors of the White House and Congress. They unleashed this madness and the idea that they could escape it is unlikely.


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Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 03:38 pm
Much of the American electorate has the attention span about the length of a fruit fly's life span. Terri Schaivo will be a forgotten issue by election time 06. If the failures of the last few years had little impact on the 04 election, this won't even be on the radar screen by than.
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Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 03:42 pm
nimh wrote:
Dookie, you could have spared yourself a lot of effort on that post. Nobody here said the Schiavo case was like the Elian case, except for in the one regard: that the majority of people will not vote on this issue. Only the minority that actually agreed with the politicking about it might. Pretty much what you confirmed yourself in your second paragraph here.

The reason I pointed out the differences was because I completely disagree with the notion that the majority of people will not vote on this issue. I believe in the case of Terri Shiavo and government extremism, the American people will seen ONE party, fully in charge, pandering to these religious extremists and zealots, and that that one party will have to pretty much take full accountability for their heinous actions in the Congress, and may suffer greatly at the voting booth in 2006.

Elian Gonzales polarized a nation, but it dealt more politically with a local issue (Cuban Americans) and foreign issues (Cuba policies), whereas Terry Shiavo is MUCH bigger, and goes straight to the ideological heart of a divided country. But it appears we aren't nearly as divided on this issue with Terry, as a sizable majority staunchly disagree with the government's attack on U.S. federalism and the consitution. We are overwhelmingly for having government STAY out of our private lives. And that's what's playing out right now, with ONE party running pretty much everything. And with America's fear of terrorism deflating, they are starting to pay more attention to this issue. You can thank the media for saturing the airwaves with everything that has to do with Terri Shiavo. How often do we hear about Iraq and terrorism these days?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 03:56 pm
Give the public a little terror dance music around election time and all else will be forgotten. Again the electorate only dances to the latest music.
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Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 04:36 pm
More proof that Brandon is the "right" side.

On Friday, the FBI said a man was arrested in Fairview, N.C., on charges of sending an e-mail threat, allegedly for offering a $250,000 bounty for Michael Schiavo's death and $50,000 for that of a judge in the case.
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Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 04:38 pm
What side is that????
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Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 04:39 pm
parados wrote:
More proof that Brandon is the "right" side.

On Friday, the FBI said a man was arrested in Fairview, N.C., on charges of sending an e-mail threat, allegedly for offering a $250,000 bounty for Michael Schiavo's death and $50,000 for that of a judge in the case.

You know as well as I do that every large group contains some bad elements, and unless that is also the nature of the preponderance of the members, it means nothing. Therefore, this objection of your is a poorly thought out red herring. My previous statement to which you refer was a reaction to a post which, to say the least, indicated great callousness on the part of the poster. It was appropriate that someone say so.
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Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 04:43 pm
If things had been reversed would you be speaking out of the other side of your mouth?
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Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 04:43 pm
Dookiestix wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
parados wrote:
It's a horrible, I know, but this whole issue makes me wish Terri would hurry up and die so we can all get on with our lives and get back to what is important.

Like the Michael Jackson trial.

If one post really says it all, this is it. You have just confirmed my belief that I am on the right side.

Geez, Brandon, is your skull really that thick?

Thick enough to think that a woman's tragic death should not be belittled and joked about, yes.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 04:44 pm
IMHO, they would be the first to jump on it.
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Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2005 04:44 pm
au1929 wrote:
If things had been reversed would you be speaking out of the other side of your mouth?

I would like to answer you, but I need you to clarify the question. What do you mean, "if things had been reversed?"
If you mean, had Terri been allowed to live, would I be taunting the people who wanted her to die, this is one of a small number of issues on which I would refrain from so doing, since the topic is so tragic.
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