Has the Schiavo case Become a Political Football?

Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2005 09:21 pm
Whatever is Lash's undisclosed source wrote:
On July 16, 2000 during a Meet the Press interview, Al Gore was asked if he would be in favor of postponing the execution of a pregnant woman. Gore's response was "I'd have to think about it".

Meet the Press's Tim Russert: "Right now there's legislation which says that a woman on death row, if she's pregnant, she should not be executed. Do you support that?"

Al Gore: "I don't what you're talking about."

Well, maybe he didn't. Did that ever occur to you?

Lessee, you're running for president,and the interviewer hits you with a freak case that you never heard before. I never heard of the case until this very moment.

And you blame Gore for not making up an opinion on a case that involves two controversial issues at once, (death penalty and abortion), which he never heard of?

He would have to be crazy to answer the question, if he never heard of the case before. And there is an excellent reason to think he had not. I certainly do not remember it.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2005 09:47 pm
Some people will never understand the unfairness of such a unexpected question, but then what can we expect from the likes of Lash - who is prone to make false accusations?
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Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2005 11:17 pm
He'd never heard of the death penalty ...or pregnancy? Didn't he invent pregnancy?
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Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2005 11:29 pm
"I called for a congressional investigation and a hearing. I looked around the country for other sites like that. I found a little place in upstate New York called Love Canal....

<paraphrasing> What I did uncovered Love Canal...and Love Story was based on my love story...and I was instrumental in creating the internet....and this poor woman who picks cans day in and day out scrimped and saved and drove a Winnebago cross country with a flea bitten mutt, in hopes of touching the hem of my garment...

He implies heavily. And he was rightfully excoriated for it.

He lost debates with Bush for sighing like a schoolgirl and running around the debate stage like an idiot.

Google "weird and Gore". It will shut down your computer. LOL!!!
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Reply Mon 27 Jun, 2005 05:05 am
Lash wrote:
Controversial Al Gore quotes

Reading along, and yes, impressive Googling ...

But you realise, Lash, that as a supporter of GWB, you face an insurmountable challenge here?

I mean, I'm assuming you don't consider President Bush crazy - so to argue that Gore is through references to controversial quotes, you'd have to somehow come up with a list that is qualitatively worse than any list of Bushisms any of us can come up with ... hopeless.

Did any of you see that press conference bit with Bush and Luxemburg PM (and current top EU honcho) Juncker? Bush, asked about Juncker, with the guy standing right next to him, "well, I'd call him a ... a piece of work, yeah! You dont mind if I call you a piece of work, eh, hehheh" Cue highly embarassed-looking Juncker ...

Is this guy crazy, or what?

Actually, I dont think he is - but he sure sets the bar high for Lash ;-)
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Reply Mon 27 Jun, 2005 05:30 am
And of course a thank you to all the others - Parados in particular - who have shown themselves equally adept at Googling ...

Of course, I feel a bit embarassed about having triggered the debate. Especially because in a way, I suppose I have set Lash up. Since my original point was the below, every argument she brings about how one or the other main Democrat must simply be crazy reinforces my point.

When people perceive those in clear opposition to one's own Party as not just wrong, but crazy or insane, then that clearly says more about them than about said opponents; that's myopia. Furthermore, I don't need to remind anyone which Party's faiithful last was into declaring people who radically opposed it insane.
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Reply Mon 27 Jun, 2005 06:43 am
Lash wrote:
"I called for a congressional investigation and a hearing. I looked around the country for other sites like that. I found a little place in upstate New York called Love Canal....

<paraphrasing> What I did uncovered Love Canal...and Love Story was based on my love story...and I was instrumental in creating the internet....and this poor woman who picks cans day in and day out scrimped and saved and drove a Winnebago cross country with a flea bitten mutt, in hopes of touching the hem of my garment...

He implies heavily. And he was rightfully excoriated for it.

He lost debates with Bush for sighing like a schoolgirl and running around the debate stage like an idiot.

Google "weird and Gore". It will shut down your computer. LOL!!!

Love how you LEFT OUT PART OF THE QUOTE.. that is after you "demanded" that we go read the ENTIRE QUOTE. Yeah.. You are spinning heavily here Lash. Post the entire quote then give us your spin just to make it obvious for what it is.
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Reply Mon 27 Jun, 2005 06:45 am
nimh wrote:
And of course a thank you to all the others - Parados in particular - who have shown themselves equally adept at Googling ...

Of course, I feel a bit embarassed about having triggered the debate. Especially because in a way, I suppose I have set Lash up. Since my original point was the below, every argument she brings about how one or the other main Democrat must simply be crazy reinforces my point.

When people perceive those in clear opposition to one's own Party as not just wrong, but crazy or insane, then that clearly says more about them than about said opponents; that's myopia. Furthermore, I don't need to remind anyone which Party's faiithful last was into declaring people who radically opposed it insane.

Lash must like you because she is working very hard to make your statement true. :wink:
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Reply Mon 27 Jun, 2005 06:59 am
When it comes to google

Bush crazy - 4,490,000 hits
Gore crazy - 737,000
Bush nuts - 1,520,000 hits
Gore nuts - 382,000
weird Bush - 2,630,000
weird gore - 768,000

Not that those mean anything since the first hit on weird gore is about
Some weird gore flicks I made with friends

The first weird Bush google has

Weird Bush Quote

Q Mr. President, are you concerned at all that events like we've seen over the last week in Iraq are going to make it tougher to meet that deadline, or increase pressure from the U.N. or anyone else?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I think there's -- my judgment is, is that the closer we come to the deadline, the more likely it is people will challenge our will. In other words, it provides a convenient excuse to attack. In this particular incident, with Sadr, this is one person who is deciding that rather than allow democracy to flourish, he's going to exercise force. And we just can't let it stand. As I understand, the CPA today announced a warrant for his arrest. This is one person -- this is a person, and followers, who are trying to say, we don't want democracy -- as a matter of fact, we'll decide the course of democracy by the use of force. And that is the opposite of democracy. And it's -- that's why the CPA issued the statement they issued.

Oh wait. "weird gore" in google didn't crash my computer.. Oh well.. chalk another one up for Lash.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 27 Jun, 2005 09:37 am
parados, I did a Yahoo search for "bush crazy" and got 7,820,000 hits. Wink
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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 27 Jun, 2005 09:39 am
I did a "gore crazy" and got 1,570,000 hits. Does this mean bush is crazier by 80 percent? LOL
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Reply Mon 27 Jun, 2005 09:51 am
parados wrote:

This is one person -- this is a person, and followers, who are trying to say, we don't want democracy -- as a matter of fact, we'll decide the course of democracy by the use of force. And that is the opposite of democracy. And it's -- that's why the CPA issued the statement they issued.

Parados: Do you think this is a "weird" quote? And if so, why?

[And incidentally, I think it is patently unfair to use the Internet to try and prove the relative negatives as between Bush and Gore. After all, since Gore invented the Internet, I think it's possible he had it rigged to cast him in a positive light.]
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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 27 Jun, 2005 09:55 am
Isn't it amazing how all these righties are brainwashed the same way?
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Reply Mon 27 Jun, 2005 09:57 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
Isn't it amazing how all these righties are brainwashed the same way?

Isn't it more amazing how lefties are so gullible?
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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 27 Jun, 2005 10:00 am
Mr. Richard M. Smith
Chairman, President & Editor-in-Chief
Newsweek Magazine
251 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019

May 17, 2005

Dear Mr. Smith,

I represent White House, Inc. and its President & CEO, George W. Bush. It has come to our attention that information contained within the May 9, 2005 issue of your publication, Newsweek Magazine, infringes Mr. Bush's U.S. Patent #5,783,346, which covers "Fail-Safe Systems for the Mass Enragement of Muslamian Religious Wackos."

As you are no doubt aware, this groundbreaking patent includes, but is not limited to such specific innovations as "exploitation of politically-manipulated intelligence to declare pre-preemptive war against unsaved sub-humans, long-term occupation of xenophobic desert backwaters by a culturally bankrupt Christian crusader force, waging fierce offensives inside ancient, ultra-sacred cemeteries, and subjecting Muslamiac prisoners of war to compulsory, ultra-hot homoerotic role-playing and rape room photo shoots, as well as punitive feminization through forced transvestitism and the application of cooter blood facials."

Please note, however, that the President's patent also explicitly covers "the violent infuriation of poor Arabiac trash via any socioeconomic or military-industrial process which successfully denigrates their inferior mega-cult devoted to foolishly worshipping the wrong invisible man who lives in the clouds." Your magazine, in printing descriptions of a so-called "Koran" book being granted the privilege of consorting with Christian excrement, successfully infuriates Muslamoid peoples due to perceived denigration of their bizarre, inferior theology. As such, there can be no dispute that this content unlawfully infringes President Bush's patent.

In addition to pursuing whatever additional rights it may have under law, White House, Inc. demands you cease and desist your infringement, as well as issue a prompt retraction of the aforementioned declaration. Please note that any future instances will be considered willful violation of the intellectual property rights of President George W. Bush, and can and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Yours Sincerely,

Scott McClellan
Secretary of Journalistic Integrity
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Reply Mon 27 Jun, 2005 10:05 am
Ticomaya wrote:
parados wrote:

This is one person -- this is a person, and followers, who are trying to say, we don't want democracy -- as a matter of fact, we'll decide the course of democracy by the use of force. And that is the opposite of democracy. And it's -- that's why the CPA issued the statement they issued.

Parados: Do you think this is a "weird" quote? And if so, why?

[And incidentally, I think it is patently unfair to use the Internet to try and prove the relative negatives as between Bush and Gore. After all, since Gore invented the Internet, I think it's possible he had it rigged to cast him in a positive light.]

I made no comment on the quote. Only posted it as it was on the first website under weird Bush.
Lash was the one that suggested we google weird Gore. I can only assume she meant it as evidence that Gore was weird. I was pointing out how silly that was. You seem to have got the point but failed to address Lash on it.

Lash has been suggesting that simply taking quotes out of context proves that Gore is nuts, crazy or insane. (Pick which word you prefer to use.) I didn't bold words from the website, they bolded them, but if I were to take them out of context as bolded it would make me question Bush's sanity. As the quote stands, it is Bush speak, fractured sentence that seem to have some meaning.
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Reply Mon 27 Jun, 2005 10:09 am
parados wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Parados: Do you think this is a "weird" quote? And if so, why?

I made no comment on the quote. Only posted it as it was on the first website under weird Bush.
Lash was the one that suggested we google weird Gore. I can only assume she meant it as evidence that Gore was weird. I was pointing out how silly that was. You seem to have got the point but failed to address Lash on it.

Lash has been suggesting that simply taking quotes out of context proves that Gore is nuts, crazy or insane. (Pick which word you prefer to use.) I didn't bold words from the website, they bolded them, but if I were to take them out of context as bolded it would make me question Bush's sanity. As the quote stands, it is Bush speak, fractured sentence that seem to have some meaning.

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Reply Mon 27 Jun, 2005 03:27 pm
Listen. I had fun googling around for Gore oddities. I did find it vexing to stay on the weird and crazy Gore and not delve into the just wrong Gore.

It didn't escape me what may lurk around the corner in the mis-speak Gore (Bush) or other categories. I may continue.

I might move it over to the Republican thread--for maximum enjoyment.

It remains obvious to me (did you read Al Invents World?) that the Democrat party has taken a sojourn in Nutbar City. I know the difference in not agreeing and acting crazy.

Why do you think it is reported so widely? They're too far out there. Nimh, you remember the run up to the election, when we discussed the conventions at length. It was reported that the Dems were tame--not pandering to the mainstream, nutty Dems--but the extreme minority.

Say what you want. You know the majority of Democrat party has gone off the deep end.

BTW, I don't know what you make of Bush's ...Bushisms. He had a higher GPA than John Kerry.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 27 Jun, 2005 03:42 pm
Lash, If you look for Bush Crazy or Bush Wierd, you'll find many more there than you would looking for Gore Crazy or Gore Wierd. Why make your life so much harder for nothing? LOL
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Reply Mon 27 Jun, 2005 03:44 pm
Lash wrote:

Say what you want. You know the majority of Democrat party has gone off the deep end.

I love the kind of assurance that a quote like this represents. You know this, how? Because you're so sure of what you believe that everyone else must really know it, too?

It's easy to see what make the Bush world view so appealing to some folks...
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