boxers are more box than others, except for boxests.
Bush is truly a compassionate conservative.
The sky is blue because it is filled with evaporated water. (Everyone knows that water is blue.)
cheddar cheese is naturally orange-colored
Grocery store apples are naturally red.
You should never buy any fresh fruit at a grocer's without tasting a sample first. Grocers expect this and nobody will mind or get mad at you.
The term "compassionate conservative" is not an oxymoron.
Astrology is helpful indicator of character.
Sports teams expect and encourage their fans to throw beer at the players.
Players believe it is unsportsmanlike to use any substances to improve their performance.
Evolution has more holes in it than a truckload of swiss cheese.
I have more original metaphors than you can shake a stick at.
Original metaphors are like a-holes...everybody's got one.
And most of them smell like roses?
hopefully a guess and not exhaustive research....
life is like a metaphor
Actually, life IS a metaphor.
Life is also like a simile.
The moon is really made of cheese but the Dairy Association paid NASA to hide that fact.