To expand on what you have said here...
You wrote:
Religion...attempts to deal with questions about Ultimate Reality.
Ultimate reality? That is assuming reality is singular...
The Bible talks about heaven and paradise, heaven is one reality and paradise is another... We, here on the earth, seem to be in a reality that could technically be... paradise, heaven, hell or neither of the above...
But to say that concrete realities do not exist is to dismiss the character of reality itself and the all encompassing scope of infinite variety contained therein.
Is reality contained within the boundaries of perception or something outside of our understanding?
If we are to allow that reality is subjective then reality becomes myth but if we are to search for clarity then reality becomes law and justice.
If by subjection or laws, still, reality becomes a slave to mastery of intellect...
To seek the true nature of reality it must
not come from a law or subjection but from itself. From the core of it's very own breath and character. So how do we get reality to speak to us and teach us?
Well we have to have the machinery to listen.. It takes rebuilding the radio tower so it picks up a signal of a different frequency...