Are we "able" to know? Yes, many are willing to admit they know but what makes us
sure they know? What is "
knowing"? The Greeks wrote of Hercules going into the underworld and of beasts and the dead alive again. Was this pure imagination? Is the place where the dead go like this, or is there no place at all but a void of existence?
How do we say with confidence "I know that my redeemer liveth"?
Books of the old testament talk of angels and beasts occupying places called heaven/hell. If there is no knowing can there be even consciousness or a conscience? Can we hold anyone to a moral standard if there is no way of determining the validity of a constitute? There is sincerity but is there truth?
What makes a Christian have faith? Is it out of dire personal need or is it because they have been visited by something coming from outside of what most rely on as reality? Were there voices or mind pictures that flashed and gave this knowing? Is there
evidence that can be
seen and passed on that one can
witness and "
know" by experience?
Is knowledge whispered to one in secret or is it that the world is so blinded that their eyes cannot adjust to the whole picture? What on earth is it that we need so badly to "know" that we don't already possess? Eternity? To escape what seems like the end?
What will knowing bring me? Status in society? Answers? More questions? Peace or unending conflict?
Maybe it is not knowing that is so blessed but innate goodness? Though there is knowledge there is not any love? knowledge often isolates one from their friends. Knowledge can create caste systems and put people on "levels" of maturity. Though knowledge must be applied skillfully to become wisdom.
The basic fundamental question is: What incident or event makes one know?
It is not that I do not know the answer to this question
I will say, I did not figure it out myself... but I read it in the Bible.
I would just like to to see what doctrines are out there concerning the subject of "knowing".
Would you have to see the nail holes in the hands of a dead man to "know"? What type of think would convince you yet sill keep your freewill in tact. Would you have to be scared into believing or would you need to see a miracle or would it be salvation that would change your skepticism. What constitutes proof? What is an eye witness?
Can we believe what we see and think when we are in emotional states? What is the event that beings a true, balanced and sound sense of knowing?