I love how half the people here are like "they must not be real scientists then."
Congratulations, typically the No True Scotsman fallacy is applied to religion, not science. But that still doesn't mean there can't be scientifically feasible reasons why real scientists might deny it.
Aside the idea that because this is in Istanbul, Turkey, they might just be religious nutters posing as scientists they are a few things to consider.
First, they might be right in saying that the theory of evolution is indirectly or directly responsible for communism and national socialism (also known as the Nazi party), two dictatorship systems that killed and oppressed millions, and also eugenics which was responsible for trying to weed out undesirable races. Without the pureblood mentality that was behind Hitler's hatred of the Jews, he had only a few personal grievances, and things would have gone better.
Second, as wikipedia has pointed out, not only are there theists who believe in evolution
but there are many alternate theories to Darwin's ideas. In particular, I favor Lamarck's and Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire's ideas. I have not known natural selection to be effective at anything but ethnic cleansing. But species do tend to adapt to environments.
Third, really, I do not believe the Linnaean classification of reptiles as close to birds is sound. They do so purely on the basis that feathers are like scales. But their anatomy is nothing alike.
Here is a dinosaur skeleton.

Now here is a crocodile skeleton.

Now here's a bird skeleton.

Quite different, right?
Reptiles have cervical, thoractic, lumbar, and caudal vertabrae. When we get into internal organs, the differences widen even further.
Reptiles, aside from amphibians having gills or whatever, are fairly similar to humans internally.

With me so far? This is what a bird's anatomy looks like.

Much less anatomy in general, and they have organs like the gizzard that neither mammals nor reptiles have. Conclusion? Reptiles did not evolve into birds (which are less evolved, and more specialized), they evolved into mammals if evolution took place at all.