Ok, I'll just post my opinions over what I've read so far....
I think Taiwan can be thought of as a nation on its own grab any Joe Blogs on the street who's not too keen on political correctness and he'll tell you so. Really, the difference between Taiwan and Tasmania is that Taiwan rely on a substantial amount of Commonwealth laws from the mainland Australia. Anyways, I do agree that the Chinese government probably "owns" the Taiwanese people (yep, I know that's a bad term to use.... I need a better word). Decades after the KMT left the mainland, they seemed to have formed their own government. A country can't have two governments unless they co-exist as some sort of federation (unless you want to tell me otherwise) and that doesn't seem to be happening here. So technically China and Taiwan would existing separately as separate countries, except that isn't universally recognised, it seems.
Political/legal correctness is all too tedious to think on, since you can't really reach a proper conclusion, so I'll stop wondering on whether or not Taiwan really is a part of China right now. I'll just say that I think that the Taiwanese people are "owned" by China (I'm sorry that I can't put it any better than that
) due to the relatively short time since the KMT departed from the mainland. Yes, Taiwan is multicultural, but it seems so many are chinese at the moment, so that's all I'll say about that. I think, perhaps after another century or so, then it'll be more natural to ASSUME that Taiwan is a separate country from China as it isn't quite as natural right now.
I can agree that China's government is not as liberal as one would like their government to be at times like this. I'm more on human rights than political/legal correctness, Pragmatic, you know, but that's not the point right now since I think the Chinese government is behaving. Personally, I don't know how much I can trust the Chinese government given its past, although it has certainly reformed alot.... there's still the same political party though. But hopefully, with them becoming more integrated in modern International affairs, they'll walk more in the right direction with regards to human rights agenda and so on.
After that, I don't really care if Taiwan wants to separate itself from China or not. I agree with Gunsnake's rather "idealistic" post - the best way for Taiwan to seek independence as fast as possible is to move their entire population from the island very fast, very far - like maybe to around where Ireland is
But as you had mentioned before Pragmatic, I would also like to know what this long, century-old war from 1668 (?) between China and Taiwan is about. Unless China has a great deal of economic gain and/or various opportunities to be made from keeping a claim on Taiwan, keeping Taiwan around won't change much. But as I said before, let's wait another century before seeing how much has changed between Taiwanese and Chinese relationship :p
Konstansis wrote: i haven't read these posts but screw it, i just want to complaibn about how EVERY single chiense person i meet is so moronic that they have cmpletely swallowed their governments BS and believe in china 100%. I'm sick of EVERy chinese i meet having the exact same opinion. They should take taiwan. i ask them why and everyone of them without fail says 'cos it belongs to china'. This is such faulty logic that i'm not even gonna go into it,. cos what pisses me off is not JUST the fact that they all want to own taiwan, but their reasons for doing so arent even thought out. They didnt even think this up themselves, they were told it and took it in unquestioningly. The chinese have been so used to losing for the last 100 years that they dont question anything anymore. China is dead intellectually. It would be nice to meet a chinese person capable of individual though and formulating an opinion.
It's great to raise opinions and disagree with people. I don't appreciate you generalising/degrading people though, and reading out history like you know it. Just because China had problems back then doesn't mean it isn't standing on its feet now. Don't make yourself seem like a bigoted/biased flamer just because you've had a pov day - not a great way to start out on a forum.