Michael_S wrote:Thank you for a great post DestinyX. I agree, there can be may interpretations and it may come down to semantics.
I am open and accept and respect that for this topic there are different and opposing views. What I put forward was that Taiwan, at the least can bring resonable doubt to what China is trying to assert , which is they should have a mandate to invade Taiwan.
I have agruing from a Taiwanese veiwpoint..
The communist government have never ruled Taiwan for a second.
There have been many occupying nations, Dutch, Japanese as well as China (Although not communist)
Taiwan has been self governing for over 50 years
The people of Taiwan do not want a Chinese government
I have been asking , and so far have yet to hear. What argument can be presented to justify China's stance that they should have a mandate to invade Taiwan.
In my point of view, the dispute between the two sides is just a dispute between the two governments, two political system within one state call China rather than a dispute between two independent states. Well, let me put in this way, in 197X the ROC withdrew from the UN, instead of ROC, the PRC took the seat of China. This in many Chinese point of views (actually my Chinese friends' views), is just the problem of what government is representing the country call China. So it's just the dispute between the two different governments or two political ideologies within one China. Plus if you have a look the stuff on the US department of state's website of independent states,
http://www.state.gov/s/inr/rls/4250.htm , in there the note 3 mentions that "Note 3: With the establishment of diplomatic relations with China on January 1, 1979, the US Government recognized the People's Republic of China as the sole legal government of China and acknowledged the Chinese position that there is only one China and that Taiwan is part of China."
I am not trying to argue that the PRC have not yet ruled the Taiwan or what so ever is not true. so, what i am suggesting is like what it mentioned in the Note 3 "the People's Republic of China as the sole legal government of China", which is that the communist PRC is the ruling government and it is representing the international role of China rather than saying the PRC is a independent state which including Taiwan.
Hence, my point is quite clear, whether the PRC or ROC are just problems of what government is representing the country call China. (so, ROC government is a successor of the Ching's imperial government, then PRC government is a successor to the ROC government, is that what it call dynasty in China?)
For your argument about the justify stance for mainland China to invade Taiwan, i think since the issue is the creation of the Chinese civil war, and the two sides have not yet decalared the end of war, plus the example of the American civil war (so what justify stance supported the Republican north to invade the Democrats south then?), i guess those what yet support PRC's points as "internal affairs".
i would like to add a point, the majority of Taiwanese do not want the PRC government but not the term Chinese government, since their own ROC government is a Chinese government anyway. The Taiwanese independence movement came from many reasons but not yet the dominant notion of Taiwan.
Anyway, military solution is not the right solution to the issue, I still insist that since the issue was raised by the Chinese themselves, it should be solved by the Chinese people of both sides.