Pepito is right on in the history, except
Quote:Both the PRC and the ROC claim sovereignty over all Chinese territories on the mainland and Taiwan.
I don't think the Taiwanese have had any serious claims to China for a long time (especially under the current ruling party). It has been claimed that Taiwan's claim to China are the reason that they are in the pretty pickle they are in now. That's another story for later in the thread perhaps.
JB I'm not sure you already have your mind made up entering this discussion. But
Quote:Can you name a language called "Taiwanese"?
I see where you are coming from. But I think you miss the point. Taiwan has many different ethnic groups. From the aboriginal tribes, to those who migrated centuries ago and speak a dialect derivative from the mainland, to those who came more recently and those who came with the KMT. The last couple of years has seen major divisions based on ethnicticity.
Quote:How is the culture of Taiwan?
The culture of Taiwan, includes Japanese who occupied the country up until relatively quite recently. Elderly will still speak in Japanese, occasionally there are traces of Dutch who occupied before the Japanese. Are you suggesting that the culture is the same as the Mainland? Sure a large proportion of the population came with the KMT . An even larger portion didn't. And even the portion that did, that was over 50 years ago.
Quote:Do you think that Taiwanese civilization is a copy of China?
You're kidding right?
Quote:Taiwan still have a long long way to a "nation".
This I agree, but perhaps for different reasons and perhaps with different feelings about it. Although it can be argues they are already a nation.
Quote:You can say that there are two governemts both labeled "China".
But You can never say that Taiwan isn't part of China.
This would be the party line in China. But what is different to N.Korea and S.Korea? Will China still claim sovereignty over Mongolia?
Quote: The PRC has never actually controlled the island of Taiwan and some other islands that the ROC still controls
This is fact. NOt for one minute or second has the PRC governed Taiwan. The Dutch have, the Japanese have and the Taiwanese have.
Taiwan is disputing China's claim to Taiwan. Those are the words China does not want to hear, and is why they constantly assert themselves with ferocity. But is there grounds for a claim? please no nonsense reply.