Hi there, ebrown_p,
Thanks for your reply. I feel I should clarify a couple of points:
ebrown_p wrote:And even if the baby were declared conscious (by some arbitrary measure of brain activity), this does not mean that "abortion is always wrong". There is no scientific way to support this philosophical statement. "
Absolutely, this was a statement of my own philosophical position, clearly not a scientific one. I was not attempting to answer the debate, merely clarify where it seems to me the battle is! Were everyone to accept whether or not a baby is conscious at the point of abortion, we could then go on to the moral, philosophical implications of this. While this is not agreed upon, I feel the debate hits rather an impasse...
ebrown_p wrote:Likewise, the issue of consciousness is another issue that is far outside science. Tell me what experiment you would do to tell if a fetus is conscious or not. Science can tell you what parts of the brain are developed and functioning, but does this mean "consciousness"? Again science is unable to answer this.
In part, I agree. I have no such experiment. Neither have I an experiment which would prove to my satisfaction that you or anyone else is conscious (though, as a possibly interesting sidepoint, I wonder which side of this question I should give the benefit of the doubt?).
Science is, certainly, unable to answer the question of consciousness. But saying science is unable to answer something is not the same as saying something is 'far outside science'. I'm sure we could all multiply examples of aspects of physics, chemistry etc. which we are unable to answer, and yet fall within the sphere of science. (And isn't philosophy an aspect of science? Or is it science that is an aspect of philosophy?)
I have no idea how to define consciousness, let alone assess whether or not it is present. I maintain, however, that it is central to the debate. (I also have no idea how to unify quantum mechanics with general relativity, but I'm still pretty confident that is central to a number of physics debates...).
Can anyone help me with my ignorance in this area?