Thanks Osso, it's always good to hear from you. How is your little Corgi? My girls are getting up in age and the Vizsla is getting a little gimpy in the left hind leg. Chloe, the Springer is still moving really well despite being 13, however she can't hear very well at all, so she doesn't always catch Sadie trying to woof down her dinner. It took me a while to figure out why one dog was losing weight and the other gaining, since they both are given the same amount of food. So now I am on food alert to make sure things balance out.
Food alert, I should put myself on that. Pacco the corgi is just fine, knock on wood.
HAYYYYYULP! I want to send a PM, and the other day sent a query to Jespah, to which he replied with the post about PM restrictions. Well, there it says that if you don't want to wait, you have to list an email in your profile, which I had already done when I first signed up. I feel like I'm chasing my tail. Anybody know how to get around this? (The PM I want to send is totally benign; a note of appreciation for the person's posts.)
Since this is a "rule" for all and everyone, I suppose, no-one knows better how to get around this than the Administrator/Project Manager of this site.
You got her advice :wink:
(I can't see your email address in your profile, btw.)
>>> can't see your email address in your profile<<< Walter, yes, precisely, you hit the nail on the head. So how do I make it visible? That's the crux of my problem. (Thanx in advance 4 your help.)
Write it in 'Member description' or at any other place, if you really wish. (At least, I would write it something like
"myname at emailservice point com" or similar.)
scroll up to the top of this page.
see where it says:
FAQ Search Memberlist Usergroups Profile You have no new PMs Log out [ diagknowz]
click Profile.
you can add your e-mail address there...
OK, super, Walter, I just did that. Thanx 4 the tip. Now, do I have to wait till Jespah finds out about it? Or does that update there automatically change my status, or what?
Uebrigens, sind Sie Deutscher? Ich dachte naemlich schon vor einigen Tagen, dass Ihr Nachname deutsch klingt (apologies for the lack of Umlauts, and also I never can keep straight when I'm supposed to capitalize "deutsch" and when not).
Stimmt - that I'm German, I mean. :wink:
R.P., thanx 4 your help as well. Yes, I knew about getting into my profile, I just didn't know WHERE there to post the email, bec. I had already posted another email address when I first registered. It's all set now: I posted the addy in my "member description" section.
Aha, Walter, then my "profiling" skills weren't all that farfetched ('course, had I gone to your website, I could've gotten even more clues, LOL! I only now noticed that you've got one----there're all these little details on the a2k screen that I don't notice right away).
I still can't send PM's, so evidently I've got to wait till Jespah sees that I've publically posted my email addy. Sigh, what a drag 4 somebody who's perpetually afflicted w/ants in the pants...
I think the point is that you won't be able to post PMs for a while, just like everyone else; but that while you wait, you can go ahead and encourage people to contact you via email, or check the profile of the person you want to contact and see if he/she has his/her email address displayed. To do this (reach a member's profile), click on the member's name once -- that will take you to a list of his/her posts. Then click on the member's name again, and it will take you to his/ her profile page.
I just did that with you, to see if I had the process down, and see that in your member description you say, "So I can send PM's whenever I want, here's my email:" -- no, that's what you use instead of having PM capability, it's not that it gets you PM capability.
Sozobe, excellent help! **NOW** I finally get it (duh)! Thanx much!
Hey .. we're not abusing any PM's here .. maybe the webmaster should assign moderators for that purpose and solve this problem!
The Moderators ought to abuse the PMs for you?
Odd - but not altogether insane - or perhaps it IS insane....
You're a strange little box of potato chips, aren't you?
naa just to supervise the bad guys okay?!
and u r a smoking rabbit aren't u? look who's talking?
Frequently new members can gain a great deal of information from the signature lines of old members.