Cyracuz wrote:Yep, but money is not entertainment. Note that it is when you're getting rid of money that good things happen.
"Good things happen when you're getting rid of Money"... of course it does, you're buying stuff with it. Probably stuff you want, or you wouldn't be buying it. And if you're giving it to charity, then you're still getting satisfaction from giving something "valuable" to the charity, you're not giving them dog poo, that wouldn't be very satisfying would it.
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here Cyr. Money may not be entertainment, but it can certainly buy entertainment and experiences (like travel and education). And I'm not saying that money can buy happiness, but neither is money a bad thing by itself.
Money is just a tool for bartering. People have been bartering and trading since the beginning, and some people got fixated on collecting too many pretty shells, or too many buffalo skins, or whatever it was that gave them security and power. But the root problem with all this is people who lose sight of what makes them happy amidst the excesses of what makes them safe and warm. The problem isn't the money or the material posessions, it's the personality.