Maybe he wasn't really alone....
Gravy - was it the same orange bag felted?
LK: yes. It is really cool. I can get you the magic chanting instrucions if you like.
EhBeth, is it possible to assume he was just winding his newly found wristwatch? please?
that's it
winding up his new wristwatch
now i'm never going to be able to ask anyone what time it is
Today I learned that if you want your photocopy of your favorite lemon chicken recipe by Giuliano Bugialli - involving certain machinations by the butcher - to go to that butcher, you should hand it to him in person.
Yes, I agree, a small thing. The guy in person gave me a big smile...
Oh, to be thirty again...
Reyn wrote:Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:But at least you've got wooden balls.
Since when have you heard of a dummy having wooden "private parts"? That area seems to have been glossed over when the good Lord made me!
I never made you! I was always rubbish at woodwork.
gravy wrote:LK: yes. It is really cool. I can get you the magic chanting instrucions if you like.
EhBeth, is it possible to assume he was just winding his newly found wristwatch? please?
Something new to learn! To make felt, knit wool and wash in warm or hot water. Keep in mind your finished felted product will be a fraction of the size of the original.
Did you know, that a Boar Pig, when in a state of expectant excitedness, has a willy that is shaped like a corkscrew?
Absolutely true........and there was me, thinking I was unusual.
I knew that - don't they have orgasms that last hours too?
Surely you must be thinking of "Slack Alice", who works in that Bordello near Harley Street.
Lord Ellpus wrote:I never made you! I was always rubbish at woodwork.
You're way too young for that, my laddy! :wink:
littlek wrote:I knew that - don't they have orgasms that last hours too?
Have you been watching the "Discovery Channel" again? Or, maybe National Georgraphic?
Slack Alice.....? no, I don't think that's who I am thnking of.
Hey, Lord Ellpus, did you know that ducks have corkscrew penises too? The Argentine Lake Duck has a penis that, when erect, is as long as it's entire body.
Somewhere along the line I think I must have gotten some of those Argentine Lake Duck genes.
And why would one want a 3 foot penis?
Maybe some persons find being a bi-ped a bit wobbly.
Aha, a kick-stand for those crazy drunken nights.
I didn't say I wanted one. It's my curse. It's a hellish nightmare actually. And it's actually well over five feet long, to be accurate. Also, like the Argentine Lake Duck, it retracts into my abdomen when not in use. That's the one cool thing about it.
It retracts.....? So, you can think with both heads at once?