There's that word again Gob... Are Americans ever shrill? Or is only when others talk about the States they are seen as shrill, or perhaps is only when women speak.
I invite you to take a drive down Canadian streets. They are littered with American companies. So we net export our raw goods and you sell it back to us at inflated prices. Maybe, as I've said, we should look for other markets who will abide by trade agreements. You don't want our stuff, cool. I'm sure other would like them, even at a premium.
You know what's tiresome... You still haven't figured out that you have 10 times our population, should we, as I've asked before consume 10x our needs?
Extract what money? You're broke. It's China's money your spending and all the other nations you've borrowed money from.
And the tax is 5.50 per head... Since we are mostly forced to fly through the states to get anywhere, I guess it makes sense to fleece us just for being alive and having the temerity to take a breath on American soil.
The USA is the largest recipient of foreign investment in the world, I was wrong, Canada is actually the 5th largest donator. Europe (as a group) is second. After the ripple effect your bad banking policies have created world wide, it's little things like this that will turn off investment tap. It's not just Canadians who are forced to pay these "fees". You are biting the hand that feeds you.