Where is the US economy headed?

Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2011 09:32 am

Obama doesn't have a clue

Our Dear Ruler gave a little speech yesterday at an advanced battery plant in Michigan. The man had some really innovative ideas on how to turn this economy around. Are you ready for them?

Extend the payroll tax holiday
More infrastructure spending on roads
Pass trade deals
Patent reform
Jobs for returning veterans

Sound familiar? It should. These are the exact yak squeeze that Obama has been touting for months, some of them for years. But don’t worry .. he says that in the coming weeks, he is going to roll out some more proposals. I wonder if those proposals will come before, after or during his 10 day vacation to Martha’s Vineyard? At any rate … along with these stale economic ideas we also got some stale wealth envy soundbites from Dear Ruler. For example, he actually said in this speech yesterday, “We can’t ask the middle class to bear the entire burden … Everybody’s got to chip in. That’s fair. We learn that in kindergarten.”


The top 1% of taxpayers earn about 20% of the income and yet they pay 40% of all income taxes collected.
The top 5% of taxpayers (those earning at least $159,610) pay more in taxes than the remaining 95% of taxpayers combined.
More than half of Americans, 51%, don’t even pay income taxes!

Middle class Americans are not in the top 5% of taxpayers earning $159,610. Yet that 5% pays more in taxes than the other 95% … and Barack Obama is worried that middle class Americans are going to “bear the entire burden”? You can’t reason with this type of logic.

I tweeted my disgust over this “middle class bearing the entire burden” nonsense and a followers asked me: “IF you were in congress and we could get REAL&immediate cuts to the federal budget would you agree to taxes?” The answer is not only no but hell no. And the reason is simple; tax increases are not going to generate more revenue. How hard is this for libs and progs to understand? Taxes affect behavior. I will now brilliantly provide you with, not one, but two examples.

From the Center for Individual Freedom: In 1980, the top income tax rate was 70%. The top rate is now half that, at 35%, yet the portion of the nation’s income taxes paid by the top 1% has more than doubled from 19% to 38%.

Walter Williams explains the economic effects of the luxury tax imposed on the early 1990s: Back then, Congress told us that the luxury tax on boats, aircraft and jewelry would raise $31 million in revenue a year. Instead, the tax destroyed 330 jobs in jewelry manufacturing and 1,470 in the aircraft industry, in addition to the thousands destroyed in the yacht industry. Those job losses cost the government a total of $24.2 million in unemployment benefits and lost income tax revenues. The net effect of the luxury tax was a loss of $7.6 million in fiscal 1991, which means Congress' projection was off by $38.6 million. The Joint Economic Committee concluded that the value of jobs lost in just the first six months of the luxury tax was $159.6 million.

It’s simple … increasing taxes on the filthy rich isn’t going to turn the tide of our economy, considering our enormous spending habits. If Obama gets his way and the Bush tax cuts expire for the evil rich and their tax rates rise, this will generate $750 billion over the next ten years. These are static figures, meaning that you can’t account for the fact that people will change their behavior because of their tax increases, therefore decreases the projected amount collected. Anyway, so this $750 billion breaks down to $75 billion a year. Our government currently spends $3.7 trillion a year, which breaks down to about $10 billion PER DAY .. and this doesn’t consider the fact that spending WILL increase over the next decade. So we’ve got this $75 billion per year from these evil rich people, and we’ve got the government spending money at a rate of $10 billion a day. It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to figure out that we could only pay for one week of government spending with an increase of taxes on the evil rich.

But back to this speech … Barack Obama wasn’t done. He couldn’t get through a speech without talking about those evil corporations and the need for them to pay their fair share! He said in his speech yesterday: “It means making sure that the biggest corporations pay their fair share in taxes.” Corporations already pay $300 billion a year in income taxes at the highest corporate income tax rate in the world of 35%. In fact, did you know that even though we have the highest rate among OECD nations, we collect less revenue than the average OECD nation? Could it have anything to do with high tax rates punishing behavior? But what Barack Obama and the progs always forget is that corporations don’t actually pay taxes, individuals do. In fact, domestic labor bears slightly more than 70 percent of the burden of the corporate income tax. So any call for raising taxes on corporations is a call to raise taxes on the very Americans who consumer their products. Not exactly good for our economy. Here’s another point to consider … raising corporate tax rates also has a negative impact on the very middle class Americans that Obama is worried will “bear the burden.” Don’t take it from me. Take it from some experts who did the research.

For instance, this December 2010 paper by economists Aparna Mathur and Kevin Hassett shows the link between corporate tax rates and the average manufacturing wage (in U.S. dollars) for 65 countries over a period spanning 1981–2005. They find that there is a clear negative link between the two, suggesting that higher corporate tax rates lead to lower worker wages. They test this theory using regressions controlling for a bunch of other factors, and find that a 1 percent increase in the corporate income tax leads to an almost 0.5–0.6 percent decrease in hourly wages.

The bottom line is that Barack Obama doesn’t have a clue as to how to get this economy going. He believes that the more government is involved, the better. He believes that the more he can punish the achievers, the more votes he can win in 2012. He believes that his government knows better than the free market capitalists who drive this economy.
Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2011 10:03 am
Yes the way to get the economic in high gear is to lower the top tax rate once more so a few more trillions dollars can be taken out of the M1 supply to be sit on by the wealthy.

That can join the three trillions dollars of reserves that large corporation are already sitting on.

Oh **** let lower the tax rate on corporations from 30 percents to 15 percent as one of the GOP fools running for president stated would be a good idea.

The only problem is that the real average tax rate on corporations is now 6 percents and GE not only paid zero on 15 billions dollars of profit in 2010 but got 3 billions from the treasury beside.
Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2011 10:04 am
Boortz is an idiot, H2O only outsources to him so often b/c he's even dumber. It's not even worth responding to what they say.


Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2011 10:11 am
That's not exactly a reasoned, fact filled rebuttal.

What makes Boortz an "idiot, not worth responding to"? Though he didn't cite his sources, he provided plenty of verifiable facts. Do you argue with them, or the conclusions he draws from them or both?

Perhaps you don't like the bombastic tone of his remarks and his fierce characterizations of Obama. However, these techniques should all be very familiar to you. Indeed they are your own.
Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2011 10:19 am
georgeob1 wrote:

That's not exactly a reasoned, fact filled rebuttal.

I don't respond to any post H2O makes; I'm not here to suffer fools, and he doesn't add anything to the conversation.

What makes Boortz an "idiot, not worth responding to"? Though he didn't cite his sources, he provided plenty of verifiable facts. Do you argue with them, or the conclusions he draws from them or both?

He has a basic and deep misunderstanding of economics and the effect of policy changes upon people's behavior. And he uses rhetorical tricks to fool his weak-minded readers.

erhaps you don't like the bombastic tone of his remarks and his fierce characterizations of Obama. However, these techniques should all be very familiar to you. Indeed they are your own.

I don't have a problem with his tone or remarks about Obama at all. So, I can't say you're correct there.

Is it your intention to, instead of addressing the several salient points that I brought up regarding your failures as a poster here, to instead incessantly attack me? This does nothing more than highlight the truth of what I said to you. You're not asking these questions out of a desire to move the conversation forward, or because you really care what my answers would be. Instead, you attempt to paint me as a hypocrite. That way, you don't have to address your failings at all, right? Not if you can prove (mostly to yourself) that others are as bad as you are.

You should consider this. If you think I'm wrong, and you're really interested in why I think boortz is such a fool, ask me again. But I think we both know the truth of the matter.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2011 11:30 am
The only problem is that the real average tax rate on corporations is now 6 percents and GE not only paid zero on 15 billions dollars of profit in 2010 but got 3 billions from the treasury beside.

I suppose that most of the shares in GE are owned by pension fund operations and thus that is one way of keeping them solvent without many people knowing so that they needn't worry about where their payments are coming from.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2011 11:59 am
I don't necessarily think that removing taxes on corporations is a bad idea. I think it's more beneficial to tax those people that would stand to benefit from increased corporate profits. By removing taxes on corporations I see the following things happening to varying degrees.

1) Prices are lowered for consumers
2) Companies have more money to pay their employees or grow
3) Corporate profits increase causing them to give money to shareholders or re-invest in their business (generating new products, improving products, expanding, hiring, etc)

#1 is pretty good for everybody...it may take a while to get prices to actually drop, but eventually the market will cause it to happen.
#2 is also good for everybody...but like #1 could take a long while, especially with unemployment as high as it is
#3 would be good for investors and the workers...AND that's where we need to collect the taxes that we took off of corporations. Investors will profit more, so we collect those taxes from investment gains...or businesses will expand and hire more employees who will also pay taxes (and have jobs that pay money that they will spend on things that also collect taxes).

Also, I think if corporations were tax exempt, we could prevent them from influencing campaigns as much as they do..like churches.
Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2011 12:36 pm
You did take note that the real tax rate for corporations is now around 6 percents or so and in some cases they even have a negative tax rate!!!!!

See the GE example.

That compare to a real tax rate of 30 percent in the 1950s when we had a nice strong middle class and a growing economic oh and we also have a top tax rate of around 90 percents.
Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2011 02:03 pm

The top 1% of taxpayers earn about 20% of the income and yet they pay 40% of all income taxes collected.
The top 5% of taxpayers (those earning at least $159,610) pay more in taxes than the remaining 95% of taxpayers combined.
More than half of Americans, 51%, don’t even pay income taxes!

I would call this an outright lie since personal income taxes made up 43.4% of net government revenues in 2010.
FICA taxes made up 43.7% of 2010 government revenues.

Let me put it to you this way spurt.
The top 1% of taxpayers earned about 20% of income but paid less than 10% of all FICA collected
The top 5% of taxpayers (those earning at least 159,610) less in (fica)taxes than the bottom 20% even though they earn much more.

Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2011 03:20 pm
It wasn't a lie at all. The taxes and income involved were correctly labelled. Your false claim that it was a lie was the only deception here.

The FICA tax is a mandated annuity, not a source of general revenue. Moreover, the tax basis for it now has a higher limit than the basis on which benefits are calculated, so that high earners pay in a good deal more per benefit dollar than do lower earners.

Moreover this statement;
The top 5% of taxpayers (those earning at least 159,610) Paid (sic) less in (fica)taxes than the bottom 20% even though they earn much more.
Is itself positively deceptive in that both groups are paying for benefits received. That one group of 5% of taxpayers paid less FICA tax than another group of 20% (four times as large) is hardly surprising

Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2011 03:33 pm
It wasn't a lie at all. The taxes and income involved were correctly labelled. Your false claim that it was a lie was the only deception here.

Ah yes, half truths are always truths.


The FICA tax is a mandated annuity, not a source of general revenue.

Perhaps you should tell Ronald Reagan, and both Bush's that since their budgets counted the surpluses in factoring the deficits run under their administrations.

Is itself positively deceptive in that both groups are paying for benefits received.
Are you calling my statement a lie? How can it be deceptive if it is factually true? Oh... you forgot you just argued that such statements couldn't be lies.
Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2011 03:59 pm
Strange is it not that they can talk about balancing the budget in part with SS cuts if it is a simple annuity program.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2011 04:05 pm
The actual rate has nothing to do with what I posted. Just because large corporations have great accountants/lawyers is immaterial to my post.
Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2011 04:17 pm
But let's examine this statement from you george..
The taxes and income involved were correctly labelled.

If we look at the following statements.
The top 1% of taxpayers earn about 20% of the income and yet they pay 40% of all income taxes collected.
(The year isn't listed but it wasn't quite true for 2007 or 2008, the latest year to find the IRS figures for. It also fails to tell us if the statement is talking gross income or taxable income. It would be further from the truth if we are talking gross incomes instead of the taxable income I am assuming. )
In 2008, the top 1 percent of tax returns paid 38.0 percent of all federal individual income taxes and earned 20.0 percent of adjusted gross income, compared to 2007 when those figures were 40.4 percent and 22.8 percent, respectively.



The top 5% of taxpayers (those earning at least $159,610) pay more in taxes than the remaining 95% of taxpayers combined.
(You will notice that this statement is NOT labeled correctly. It doesn't specify "income taxes". But wait.. there's more... If 50% didn't pay taxes then they would NOT be taxpayers. So the math is even more screwed up because the statement fails to label "tax filers" correctly and instead confuses them with taxpayers. Those making over $159,610 would mean the top 10% paid more in taxes than the other 90% of that owed income taxes.


More than half of Americans, 51%, don’t even pay income taxes!

(This statement is also not labeled accurately. It isn't even factually true.)
In 2010, 45 percent of tax returns will either remit no federal income tax or receive a net tax refund.
But that refers to only tax returns, not Americans. When it comes to Americans more of those filing with no tax liability are single or head of household compared to the majority of those owing taxes filing jointly. That means MORE Americans are included in those income tax filings that do owe taxes making the numbers even worse for this statement.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2011 04:17 pm
The actual rate has nothing to do with what I posted. Just because large corporations have great accountants/lawyers is immaterial to my post.

Oh? So the effects of a drop from 6 percents to zero would be the same as from 30 percents to zero?

The economic would somehow improved no matter how small the real benefits for Corporations happen to be?

Hell GE would be harm going from a neg. tax rate of 20 percents or so to zero.

Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2011 09:17 pm
GE is not representative of all corporations, and ESPECIALLY not of small businesses whom would also benefit.

Does it not make more sense to free up the money of businesses to build/grow and instead collect the taxes from investors, assuming the same amount of taxes were collected, of course?
Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2011 09:19 pm
Also, if businesses were not taxed, there would be no negative tax returns like you are bringing up about GE.

And I never brought up anything about the amount of improvement, just that it would be improved in my opinion. That's why 6% or 30% doesn't matter in response to my post. I gave no indication of any qualitative amount of improvement.
Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2011 09:47 pm
And I never brought up anything about the amount of improvement, just that it would be improved in my opinion. That's why 6% or 30% doesn't matter in response to my post. I gave no indication of any qualitative amount of improvement.

GE and perhaps others would be harm by your move not help so your statement is not proven at all.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2011 09:53 pm
Does it not make more sense to free up the money of businesses to build/grow and instead collect the taxes from investors, assuming the same amount of taxes were collected, of course?

No as businesses are now sitting on three trillions dollars and not using it to build/grow so why would any sane person suggest that it would be a good idea to give them more trillions to sit on like big stupid birds and increase the national debt even more by so doing?

It would made more sense if they are not using those trillions to tax them away and placed the trillions back into the economic not add to those funds.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2011 11:38 am
coalition of business groups

We, the undersigned business owners, executives and investors, call on the President and Congress to end tax dodging and support a level playing field for business by enacting strong legislation to stop tax haven abuses. Offshore tax havens reward tax evaders, rob public coffers of needed revenue and offload taxes to responsible businesses and households.

Everyone needs to pay their fair share to keep America moving forward. Tax dodging deprives our nation of revenue needed to maintain and modernize the infrastructure and services underpinning a strong economy. An estimated $100 billion or more in tax revenue is lost every year to tax havens. Our economic progress is undermined when companies are rewarded for financial manipulation rather than innovation and productive investment.
Responsible businesses and banks are hurt when other firms use tax havens to avoid paying their fair share of taxes.

There is no justification for tax avoidance and evasion through tax havens. Offshore tax havens provide cover for banks, hedge funds and corporations to shift taxable income from the United States for the sole purpose of escaping taxation. Tax haven secrecy allows wealthy Americans to hide assets, helps companies manipulate their finances, and fosters the casino economy.

Ending tax haven abuse shows we are serious about taxation that is transparent, fair and responsible. It is an important step in ending the irresponsible speculation and financial manipulation putting our whole economy at risk. We call on Congress and the President to strengthen our economy by enacting tough legislation to stop tax haven abuses.

Offshore Tax Haven Bill Falls Short

One reason for America's fiscal squeeze is that the U.S. tax system has become too porous, with billions lost to tax evasion and to a plethora of tax loopholes. Offshore tax havens are a big part of this problem and are used heavily by corporations and the affluent to shield money from the IRS.

So it was good to see Democrats on Capitol Hill this week introduce the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act, legislation which they say will curb abuses of international tax laws that cost U.S. taxpayers $100 billion a year.

As I read it, though, this bill would be unlikely to stop the most costly part of the problem -- which is the way that corporations use foreign subsidiaries to greatly minimize their tax bill. (See a summary of the bill by the Center for Tax Justice.)

As written, the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act is a basket of apples and oranges. It takes aim at both tax evasion, whereby Americans hide cash in undisclosed offshore accounts, and tax avoidance, whereby corporations exploit loopholes around offshore havens to reduce their tax bill.

The tax evasion piece of the legislation is all well and good. It would penalize financial institutions that don't cooperate with U.S. tax enforcement, make it easier for the IRS to find out about offshore accounts, and ban the issuing of credit cards from banks in certain tax havens, which is a main way that Americans access money hidden abroad.

hese steps would bolster a far-reaching crackdown on offshore tax havens that has been underway for a few years now, with numerous Americans caught and punished (albeit lightly) by the IRS for evading taxes with offshore accounts. But it's unlikely that ramping up this crackdown will save tens of billions of dollars. Billions, maybe.

The big cost of offshore tax havens comes when corporations set up foreign subsidiaries in low-tax or no-tax countries and then transfer important assets to those subsidiaries. So, for example, if company X transfers a valuable patent to its subsidiary in the Caymen Islands and then pays hefty royalties to that subsidiary for using the patent, presto: profits are suddenly piling up in a country with no taxes.

Corporations can also fudge where their profits are being made with complex "income shifting" accounting strategies. With the help of smart accountants and lawyers, profits that are actually made in the U.S. -- where the top corporate income tax rate is 35 percent -- can appear to be made by subsidiaries in other countries.

The clever use of offshore subsidiaries helps explain why many profitable corporations so often have very low tax bills. In 2008, Goldman Sachs, had 29 subsidiaries located in offshore tax havens and reported profits of over $2 billion. It paid federal taxes of just $14 million on those profits. General Electric -- a master at tax avoidance -- has subsidiaries all over the world, and this is one reason it paid virtually no taxes in 2010.

So what would the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act do about this particular problem? Not much, I'm afraid.

The bill would stop companies based in the U.S. from claiming they are foreign companies and, to be sure, that is a good thing. There have been some outrageous examples of American companies re-incorporating themselves in tax havens -- even as their headquarters remain in the U.S. Most famously, Stanley Works -- a tool maker with a 159-year history in Connecticut -- re-incorporated in Bermuda in 2002, even though none of its top execs actually moved to Bermuda.

But these kinds of shenanigans are not the main problem. It's the foreign subsidiaries as explained above.

The bill would require much more disclosure by companies of their foreign operations, and this would make it harder to disguise U.S. profits as offshore profits. Again, this a good thing and could bring in billions by reducing tax avoidance.

But that's about it. While the bill would bring in some other revenue by closing a loophole around credit default swap payments, it misses the big money. It wouldn't do anything to stop how corporations use foreign subsidiaries in tax havens to hold key assets that then allow those subsidiaries to become leading profit centers for the company -- all beyond the reach of Uncle Sam.

The Democrats behind this legislation -- who include Carl Levin in the Senate and Lloyd Doggett in the House -- are clearly trying to do the right thing. They are also dreaming big here, since this legislation is unlikely to go anywhere right now.

Clearly, though, this crew needs to go back to the drawing board and come up with a tougher approach. If the goal is to close loopholes and save truly big bucks, let's see a plan that would actually do that.

Tax Dodging


You Pay More Money In Taxes Than Many Well-Known U.S. Corporations. The 10 bucks in your pocket is more than many of the largest U.S. corporations paid in U.S. taxes including: Bank of America, Verizon, General Electric, Boeing, and Citigroup. Other companies like Federal Express and ExxonMobil pay effective rates of less than 10 percent (even though the official corporate tax rate is 35%). These same companies pay their CEOs and top managers millions in salary and perks – and spend millions lobbying the U.S. Congress for preferential tax and regulatory treatment.

Corporate Tax Dodging Takes Money Out of the Pockets of the Middle Class and Hurts America. Corporations use tax havens and loopholes to siphon money and jobs offshore – while not paying their fair share of taxes for infrastructure, public services and the investments that have historically built the US middle class, including K-12 and higher education.

We Are Not Broke: Governments Are Cutting Budgets and Jobs When They Should Be Closing Corporate Tax Loopholes. Irresponsible politicians have drained state and federal budgets by giving corporations huge tax breaks and allowing them to dodge taxes through overseas tax havens. Our elected leaders should plug up these corporate tax loopholes before they cry "broke."

Making Corporate Tax Dodgers Pay Their Fair Share Would Make Cuts to State Budgets Unnecessary. States are facing the worst budget gaps in living memory. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities estimates that the combined budget gaps in all U.S. states is over $102 billion.1 Meanwhile, closing overseas tax havens would generate an estimated $100 billion! You do the math.

Corporate Tax Dodgers Hurt Domestic U.S. Businesses. Tax havens punish responsible businesses that have to compete unfairly against tax dodgers. A domestic U.S. business that pays its taxes is at an unfair disadvantage with multi-corporations that game the system and shift profits to low or no tax havens. A new coalition has formed called "Business and Investors Against Tax Haven Abuse."

Tax Havens Cost Us All. When you combine tax avoidance by both wealthy individuals and multinational corporations, tax havens cost the Treasury as much as $123 billion a year. Responsible businesses and individual taxpayers like us pick up the slack to pay for the services all of us use.

Corporate Tax Avoidance Has Dramatically Increased Over The Last Several Decades. In the 1950s, almost a third of federal revenue came from corporate income taxes. By 2009, it had declined to 10 percent.2 Corporations are paying less and middle class individuals are paying more.

The Largest Global Corporations are among the Worst Culprits. Tax avoidance is a global problem. Corporations exploit gaps and loopholes in domestic and international tax law that allow them to shift profits from country to country, often to or via tax havens, with the intention of reducing their taxes. Lack of transparency and reporting allows this tax avoidance to occur on a huge scale.

Secrecy is a Problem! Tax havens are not only ways to reduce or eliminate taxes, but also a means for criminals and lawless corporations to circumvent the law, using secrecy as their primary tool. This is why the Tax Justice Network prefers to refer to tax havens as "secrecy jurisdictions."


BANK OF AMERICA: In 2009 and 2010, Bank of America didn't pay a single penny in federal income taxes, exploiting the tax code so as to avoid paying its fair share. They argue this is because they lost money. But we really don't know, thanks to over 115 subsidiaries in tax secrecy jurisdictions. There are 59 BoA subsidiaries in the Cayman Islands, 15 in Luxembourg, and 14 in Ireland. Bank of America received $336 billion in government bailout funds (second only to Citigroup).3 When it comes to paying their top managers and influencing elections and government, they don't hold back. Between 2007 and 2010, during the economic meltdown triggered in part by their reckless actions, Bank of America's PAC and employees donated $5.184 million to federal campaigns. During these same years, they spent $17.3 million lobbying the federal government.4 Bank of America paid their CEO Thomas Montag $29 million in 2009.

BOEING CORPORATION: Over the three year period from 2008 to 2010 had total pre-tax profits of $9.7 billion but did not pay a dime of its profits in federal taxes. Boeing Corporation has 38 subsidiaries in foreign tax haven jurisdictions.5 At the end of February 2011, the U.S. government granted Boeing a contract worth $35 billion to build airplanes. 6

VERIZON: Take out your Verizon phone bill. See the part of the bill where you paid taxes? $2 dollars? Guess what? You paid more taxes on your phone bill than Verizon paid in 2009 and 2010 in federal U.S. corporate taxes. They reported $24.2 billion in pre-tax U.S. income, and yet claimed a federal corporate refund of $1.3 billion. The company has $1.2 billion in unrepatriated foreign assets, money it is keeping offshore in order not to take tax reserves against it.

FEDERAL EXPRESS: Federal Express reported over $1.9 billion in U.S. profits, but paid only $1 million in federal corporate income taxes over the last 2 years, for an effective tax rate of .05 percent. While FedEx only paid $1 million in taxes over 2 years, they spent nearly $42 million lobbying Congress. They have 21 subsidiaries in tax havens including 3 in the Cayman Islands and 3 in Ireland.

GENERAL ELECTRIC: In General Electric, they consider their Accounting Department to be a "profit center," working to avoid taxes. Between 2006 and 2010, General Electric told their shareholders they had $26.3 billion in profits, but paid no U.S. taxes. In fact, they got $4.2 billion in rebates, so their effective U.S. tax rate was negative 15.8 percent.7 In 2009, General Electric — the world's largest corporation — filed more than 7,000 tax returns and still paid nothing to U.S. government. In 2010, they reported $5.07 billion in domestic pre-tax profits and paid just $4 million in taxes. Their unpatriated taxes grew to $94 billon. They managed to do this by a tax code that essentially subsidizes companies for losing profits and allows them to set up tax havens overseas. GE has subsidiaries in tax havens including 3 each in Bermuda and Singapore and 1 in Luxembourg. In 2009, GE CEO Jeffery Immelt earned total compensation of $9.89 million. GE spent $39 million lobbying the federal government in 2010 alone, and $83 million since 2008.

OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM: In 2009, this oil giant paid their CEO Ray Irani $31.4 million, about twice what they paid in federal corporate income taxes, which was $16 million!

CITIGROUP: Citigroup has paid no taxes for the last four years. They were the largest recipient of federal bank bailout funds, receiving $476 billion. Citigroup has a whopping 427 subsidiaries in tax havens including 90 in Cayman Islands, 91 in Luxemburg, 35 in British Virgin Islands, and 40 in Hong Kong. Citigroup has continued to pay its staff lavishly. "John Havens, the head of Citigroup's investment bank, will probably be the bank's highest paid executive for the second year in a row, with a compensation package worth $9.5 million."

EXXON-MOBIL: The oil giant uses offshore subsidiaries and other loopholes to avoid paying taxes in the United States. They have 32 subsidiaries in tax haven countries including 18 in the Bahamas and 3 in the Cayman Islands. Although Exxon-Mobil paid $15 billion in taxes to other governments in 2009, not a penny of those taxes went to the U.S. Treasury. So maybe those other countries should defend ExxonMobil's assets around the world, instead of the men and women of the U.S. armed forces. Next time the pirates take over your oil tanker, call the Bahamas! ExxonMobil did come up with $68 million to lobby Congress between 2008 and 2010.

WELLS FARGO: Despite being the fourth largest bank in the country, Wells Fargo was able to escape paying federal taxes by writing all of its losses off after its acquisition of Wachovia. Yet in 2009 the chief executive of Wells Fargo also saw his compensation "more than double" as he earned "a salary of $5.6 million paid in cash and stock and stock awards of more than $13 million."

NEWS CORPORATION:The media giant that owns Fox News avoids taxes through its 152 subsidiaries in tax havens, including 62 in British Virgin Islands, 33 in Cayman Islands, 21 in Hong Kong, and 15 in Mauritius.

PFIZER: Without intellectual property and patent protections, Pfizer's patents for products like Viagra would be easily replicated and produced for a fraction of the cost. They depend on the US court system to defend their property. Yet Pfizer shelters a lot of this intellectual property offshore, with 80 subsidiaries in tax havens, including 28 in Ireland, 16 in Luxembourg, 10 on the island of Jersey.

Its really not a matter of having great accountants and lawyers, the way the tax system is set up, it benefits large corporations and they can keep it that way by controlling congress.

Its all depressing really.

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