I'm not sure about your number, but from what I've read, about 40% of revenues is spent towards the national debt. That's better than most developed countries in today's world, but not a good place to be when our economy is shrinking along with the world economy. Revenues will continue to shrink, but the interest payment on the debt will necessarily become a larger portion of revenues. This cannot be sustained. The only way to solve this problem is to rework social security and Medicare - and defense spending.
Unfortunately, the GOP will not negotiate with Obama to a) cut spending, and b) approve the debt ceiling if there is any tax increase.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the on-going federal expense cannot be sustained - and it will only get worse if revenue is not increased. We're already cutting education and our infrastructure - both necessary for the long-term survival of our economy.
When we elect political extremists into Washington, we deserve everything they screw up. The GOP is playing chicken with the well being of our country; I hope they win! I want everybody to feel the pain - which we brought upon ourselves.