Where is the US economy headed?

Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2010 06:46 pm

This from a woman that implies the governor of Arizona should commit suicide.

jan brewer is a criminal. she wasn't elected, so why should you care about her?

she withheld monies that were meant to improve education in her state and used them for monitoring the border. ms. brewer is a stupid woman. ms. brewer wants the children of AZ to be as stupid as she is.
Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2010 06:47 pm
How can anyone invest when real wages for 80% of all American workers have remained static since 1979?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2010 06:51 pm
@cicerone imposter,
ican, You're about as stupid as the less educated of us

Maybe someone should cast ican and jan brewer in clay and sell them as salt and pepper shakers: they have the same IQ.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2010 11:08 pm
Apparently you didnt bother to actually learn something before you posted.
According to the Az constitution, she was next in line, as Secretary of State, which is an elected office in AZ.
So, she WAS elected as SecState, then became governor when Janet Napolitano moved to DC.

Article 5, section 6 of the Az Constitution.


So I suggest you actually read and learn before you say she wasnt elected to office.
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2010 07:10 am
What an assumption. Sugar, I did read -- extensively -- about the Arizona criminal. She was not elected governor. You just exhibited all of your problems in this post.

brewer the criminal has been in public life for a long time. Let's hope that her career will come to a screeching halt. However, national embarrassment seems insufficient for the people of that state, beset as it is by a situation of its own making.
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2010 07:31 am
Even though she was not elected governor, she was elected as Az SecState.
You said she was not elected, period.

And since she was AZ SecState, and since the Az Constitution says that she was next in line to be Governor when Janet Napolitano resigned as Governor, whats your problem with that?
Are you saying that the AZ constitution should have been ignored, or is it because she is a repub that you seem to think she did something wrong to become governor?

As for her being a crimminal, you have to provide more then just your say so about that.
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2010 07:43 am
Are you serious? It is difficult to tell whether you are being an asshole just pulling people's chains or if you are that dumb.

Sugar, I have written several times how it is she is a criminal. Go back through several threads and find out for yourself. Better still, just google her. That takes far less time.
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2010 08:25 am
I have googled her.
There is nothing that says she is a criminal in any way.
Just because you dont like her policies and her positions, doesnt make her a criminal.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2010 10:06 am
Now, all of plainoldme's posts are fumbling falsities.
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2010 10:08 am
Sure, whatever. The real question is: where is your link to an economist who claims that the Stim bill cost jobs, and didn't create them?

Or perhaps you're looking to retract that statement.

cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2010 11:33 am
They don't know how to admit they are wrong. Even after many on these boards have provided evidence from reliable, credible, sources.

Their brain is immovable.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2010 12:00 pm
I really dont think the govt should be doing this, especially with stimulus money (insert appropriate joke here)


CNSNews.com) – The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), a division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), spent $823,200 of economic stimulus funds in 2009 on a study by a UCLA research team to teach uncircumcised African men how to wash their genitals after having sex

Does anyone besides me have a problem with this?
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2010 12:04 pm
mm, It's the reality of our government that their spending bills are filled with waste and unnecessary projects. Anyone who bothers to look at each bill that passes any government will see that these are the reality; they are not responsible wards of public monies. Their fiscal management skills are nil.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2010 12:15 pm
okey-dokey! Are we ready for the Option-ARM reset debacle which has the first of two peaks this month?

Option-ARMs aren't the same as subprime loans. They're ARMs that give the homeowner some options on how he/she wants to repay the loan in the first term (typically 5 years). These tend to be jumbo loans that were written back in the good old days when folks took out big loans on large properties that they were sure were going to increase in value.

This loan program is an adjustable rate mortgage with added flexibility of making one of several possible payments on your mortgage every month, in order to better manage your monthly cash flow.

It's low introductory start rate allows you to make very low initial mortgage payments and low qualifying rates enable you to qualify for more home.

The minimum payment option can help keep your monthly payments affordable. If the minimum monthly payment is not sufficient to pay the monthly interest due, you can always avoid deferred interest by choosing the interest-only payment option.

With the Option ARM, you generally have at least two fully amortized payment choices, leading to a quicker loan payoff. If you prefer to pay off your loan on schedule, you can make the fully amortized payment based on a 30-year loan, or you can choose the 15-year payment option for the fastest equity build-up.

In most cases, you can also make additional principal payments which reduce the amount you need to pay in later months.

Option ARM loan programs are right for you if you'd like to own your property only for a short time, and prefer affordability and flexibility in your monthly payment. However, if you select the minimum payment option in the early years, you should be prepared for a possible sudden increase (often referred to as payment shock) in your monthly payments thereafter. Source

We're about to find out just how many of these home are now underwater and how big a hit this will be to the economy overall. As you can see, the total value of loan coming up for resets is approx $12billion and another major spike equaling the value of the sub-prime resets a year from now.

cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2010 12:18 pm
JPB, Good chart on the mortgage market.
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2010 12:21 pm
@cicerone imposter,
It shows clearly that it all occured during GWB's watch.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2010 12:22 pm
Golly Gee, JPB.
I had pretty much given up on this thread ever again containing anything remotely intelligent!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2010 12:25 pm
mysteryman wrote:

I really dont think the govt should be doing this, especially with stimulus money (insert appropriate joke here)


CNSNews.com) – The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), a division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), spent $823,200 of economic stimulus funds in 2009 on a study by a UCLA research team to teach uncircumcised African men how to wash their genitals after having sex

Does anyone besides me have a problem with this?

Why would you have a problem with this? Proper hygiene is one of the prime ways to stop the spread of venereal diseases, which are a huge problem in Africa. I have little doubt that studies and research such as this could have real-world helpful effects in the region.

I wouldn't ever read 'CNS news' again, if I were you; they are notorious liars and nothing more than a scandal rag, really.

Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2010 12:35 pm
What in the hell was President Bush thinking when he initiated the AIDS research effort in Africa? What a waste of money. AIDS in Africa? Who cares?
Funding has been cut by $10M/year recently.
The $900,000 program works out to something like 2/10ths of a cent per taxpayer.

As a total aside, MM, when you were in basic training for the military, do you recall the video on How To Take A Shower?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2010 01:04 pm
What the chart posted by JPB tells me is that we have a very long road ahead of us before we will see any improvement in jobs or inflation. Why gold prices are spiking upwards to current levels is uncalled for; who would pay $1,300 for one oz of gold to purchase anything other than gold or precious stones? When the gold market crashes, who's going to pay $1,300 for an oz of gold? That's over $2,000 for one pound of gold; who will buy it, and how will they use it? There isn't any practical value to gold except speculation. When one factors in the cost to purchase and to sell gold, what real return will they

I believe my intermediate term bond heavy portfolio is the way to go in this climate.

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